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Europeiska solidaritetskåren

Samarbete ger styrka


Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato dell'Insubria


Malnate, Italien


In a project of 5 evs in 5 different hosting project, we offer a position in a daily centre for elderly people ( 20 users, 1 educator, 4/5 social workers, volunteers), you work with social workers, educators, physiotherapists in activities aiming at social inclusion of elderly people and the maintenance of skills and ability. Tasks are : supporting the activities such as workshops ( creative art-lab, dance or sports, supporting during lunch in distributing dishes, helping some users, cleaning the room). Another part of work is training activity for evs volunteers ( italian language course, youthpass process or intercultural learning meetings ). Promotion of Evs in schools and with young people

Logi, mat och transporter

Volunteers are hosted in a fully equipped house, with two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom. The house has also a garden. The volunteer will share bedroom with another volunteer. The house is 5 minutes walk far the associations place. Lunch is provided in the hosting organisation, for breakfast and dinner a food allowance is provided. Local transport for project activities are covered by the hosting organisation

Utbildning under verksamheten

On arrival training is provided by coordinating organisation about the project aims and the overall community partnerships. Volunteers will also be given all the instruction regarding EVS principle and functioning in our organisation.Training on working with vulnerable adults is provided to all our volunteers by staff members in the hosting organisations and volunteer will be trained on the job with staff help .Volunteers will be given informal learning process support through the active participation to a monthly 4 hours group trainings on YOUTHPASS certificate.

Deltagarens profil

All people aged 18 - 30, who have a genuine interest and passion for working with people with disabilities and or elderly people. No professional skills and experience is required, however it is recommended that volunteers have an experience in similar sector or providing support in personal life in order to have a realistic idea of working with people with disabilities. As we work with vulnerable adults, the volunteers should be kind, patient and compassionate. hobbies and skills that they are willing to share with the residents, such as art, music, cooking, drama, sports.


Från 04/02/2019 till 30/09/2019


Malnate, Italien

Individuellt volontärarbete

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