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Corpul european de solidaritate

Împreună suntem puternici

EVS with children - Volunteers from Spain, Italy, Romania and Estonia


Casa Pia de Lisboa - CED Santa Clara

Sintra, Portugalia


Casa Pia de Lisboa (CPL) wants to promote the rights and protection of children and young people, especially those who are in danger or at risk of exclusion. This project will take place in Centro de Educação e Desenvolvimento Santa Clara that has 6 foster homes located in Sintra, Cascais & Oeiras. Each foster home offers protection in maximum to 14 children and young people young people, under 18 years old that were victims of maltreatments. Eg of activities: -Animate and implement leisure time activities (eg. sports, music, singing, dance, theatre, handicrafts, watching movies, thematic conversations, etc.) -Accompany children in outside activities of the foster home (ex: go to the doctor, take children to/from school/playground/cultural places, etc.) -Motivate children/youngsters to study -Propose and implement specific activities related to the period of the holidays -Help with the meals -Help with events of fundraising (fairs, concerts, etc) - Help in the house

Cazare, hrană și transport

ProAtlântico provides €150,00 monthly for food and extra expenses (eg. cleaning materials) during non-working time. Volunteer can use the food money to buy food, cook in the apartment, eat in a restaurant, etc). During working time the receiving organization provides meals in the organization which is based on a Mediterranean diet. ProAtlântico provides accommodation in apartment (with 6/8 volunteers in total), University residence, hostel or hosting family, Casa Europa, multiple bedroom with fully equipped kitchen,toilet, laundry facilities and living room.

Formare pe durata activității

ProAtlântico will support the volunteers in the learning of portuguese. During the project, volunteers will have different trainings (work with children, Youthpass, etc). Volunteers will participate in trainings promoted by National Agency.

Profilul participantului

Volunteers must be: -very human, -self motivated, -proactive, -creative, -with handwork skills, -very flexible The volunteers must be open minded and tolerant to with people with fewer opportunities with different backgrounds and affected by different problems. A high motivation to work with children and young people and special interest on music, dance, theatre, sports, cooking, computers, handicrafts, gardening, history, can be an added value, since these areas their fields of interest and will be the way to reach their attention.

Datele activității

De la 01/10/2016 până la 27/09/2017

Locul activității

Sintra, Portugalia

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

Estonia, Spania, Italia, România

Temele activității

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 15/07/2016 23:59