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Corpul european de solidaritate

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CEMEA del Mezzogiorno onlus

Rome, Italia


The volunteers could be involved in the following activities inside CEMEA del Mezzogiorno services, depending on the different opportunities/initiatives available in the period of volunteering: CEMEA playgrounds with children: The volunteer will be involved in the activities in CEMEA del Mezzogiorno playground, "Casa delle arti e del gioco" in via Policastro. In this playground, activities are proposed to kids (from 4 to 11 years old) and their families. Kids are stimulated by workshops and special games supporting socialization and soliciting their communicative skills and abilities. CEMEA youth centres: "Fenix19" is an adolescent center placed in Pigneto area. The volunteer will support the team of “Fenix19” to prepare and implement the planned daily activities towards the users (older than 11 years of age): workshops, daily tasks in the centre, etc. Volunteer should contribute to drop bits of international culture (mostly from country of origin) in all activities implemented.

Cazare, hrană și transport

LODGING The volunteers will be hosted in a flat rented by CEMEA del Mezzogiorno and shared with other volunteers involved in different projects. BOARD The volunteer will receive 50 euros in cash each week for food provisions, cooking by him/herself. LOCAL TRANSPORT The volunteer will receive a monthly card allowing him/her to use all the public means of transportation (metro, tramway and bus) within the metropolitan area of Rome.

Formare pe durata activității

The volunteer will be supported by the team of educators to get involved in the activities and to learn what it takes to work with children/adolescents. The specific training will be done from the beginning and throughout the EVS duration, during the service. The volunteer will attend a language training course of Italian. EVS TRAINING CYCLES The volunteer will take part to all activities foreseen in the EVS training and evaluation cycle in the hosting country and to the EVS annual meeting one time he/she came back from the project, organized by the sending and hosting National Agencies.

Profilul participantului

According to our philosophy, the main selection criteria will be motivation more than experience or studies in the field. Curiosity and flexibility are well accepted and very useful to face EVS experience, even more than specific skills in the field. Interest in learning the hosting language is needed, but it is not required any previous knowledge of it. We believe in the need of a strong relationship and cooperation between the three actors involved in the European Voluntary Service: sending organisation, hosting organisation and volunteer.

Datele activității

De la 04/09/2018 până la 31/05/2019

Locul activității

via Fortebraccio 1/A, Rome, Italia

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

România, Slovenia

Temele activității

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Nu există termen-limită pentru trimiterea cererii