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Museum and Glasstudio Baruther Glashütte


Museumsdorf Baruther Glashütte

Baruth/Mark, Germania


The “Museum und Glasstudio Baruther Glashütte” is a museum site that aims at promoting the European Cultural Heritage of glass, that attracts internationals guests. It sustains the immaterial culture of the manual glass production and runs a glasstudio which produces glass products for the museumsshop. Pedagogical programs include guided tours in the museum and in the natural environment. Festivities, expositions and lectures are held throughout the year in the museum park. The Christmas market on the first Advent weekend and the children’s festival in August are only a few of the Highlights. Working at the museum will give you a valuable insight in the running of a German culture organisation and enable professional experience that may help you to decide your future career. Tasks for volunteers may include welcoming the visitors, guiding tours of the Museum. Volunteers may also be asked to assist in manual work, the care of the outdoor facility and repairs.

Cazare, hrană și transport

You will stay within a museum apartment or in a rented Apartment. You will receive an appropriated amount of money for your grocery shopping each month. You will be provided with the BahnCard25 - this will reduce the ticket prices for most train tickets in Germany by 25%.

Formare pe durata activității

Tasks, you may perform • Welcome & guide visitors • Assist in exhibition design, attend events • Assist in the implementation of a museum pedagogical programme • Do research and inventory, digitalization and photography of the objects • Skilled manual job: Care of the outdoor facility, repairs, build exhibitions You will learn • Self-confidence through experience in the presentation in front of larger groups • Development of your personality • Responsibility • Basic requirements of the museum administration and work

Profilul participantului

You should • knowledge of the German language • have basic knowledge in dealing with simple craft tools • have interest in culture and history • be open to get involved with people and visiting groups • be ready to live in a rural / very remote area

Datele activității

De la 26/03/2019 până la 25/03/2020

Locul activității

Baruth/Mark, Germania

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

Italia, Suedia

Temele activității

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 31/01/2019 23:59