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Corpul european de solidaritate

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Placement Administration and Support System (PASS)

The Placement Administration and Support System (PASS) is designed to make it easy for eligible organisations to search for and recruit European Solidarity Corps participants for their placements.

To access the system, organisations must first be authorised under one of the EU programmes linked to the European Solidarity Corps. For more information about these programmes, visit the European Solidarity Corps information page for organisations.

Authorised organisations must then take one of the following paths to start using PASS, depending on which programme they are associated with:

A) If the organisation holds a Quality Label, then its staff which are already listed in the organisation's Quality Label awarding decision  are automatically enabled to access PASS through their existing EU Login / ECAS accounts. Organisations can check precisely which staff are listed in their Quality Label awarding decision by contacting their Erasmus+ National Agency.

B) If the organisation is accredited under Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service, then its staff which are already listed in the organisation's EVS accreditation are automatically enabled to access PASS through their existing EU Login / ECAS accounts. Organisations can check precisely which staff are listed in their EVS accreditation by contacting their Erasmus+ National Agency.

C) If the organisation is certified under EU Aid Volunteers, then its staff which are linked to the EU Aid Volunteers programme are also automatically granted access to PASS through their existing EU Login / ECAS accounts.

D) If the organisation is authorised under any of the other associated EU programmes, then the organisation must:

  1. Decide which staff should have permission to use PASS.
  2. Give details of these staff members to the European Commission Directorate General responsible for the programme the organisation is associated with.
  3. Ensure that these staff each have their own EU Login / ECAS accounts linked to the same email addresses given the Directorate General.

All authorised users should then:

  1. Click on the "Administrator login" button at the bottom of the European Youth Portal pages.
  2. Use their EU Login / ECAS account to authenticate themselves to the system.
  3. Select "European Solidarity Corps PASS" from the list of online tools available to them after they login.

PASS Technical Support and User Guide

For assistance in accessing or using PASS, please go to the Technical Support page The most up-to-date version of the PASS User Guide can also be downloaded there.