“Going together realizing our dreams”

“Going together realizing our dreams”

Baptist Church of Zielona Góra

Zielona Góra, Poland

Termenul de înscriere a expirat.

Descrierea activității

“Going together realizing our dreams” is a European Voluntary Service project which will be carried out at the Baptist Church in Zielona Gora, Poland. The purpose of the project is a joint action for the benefit of other people, following the motto by Albert Einstein that “only a life lived for others is worth living”. Two volunteers, one from each country, will be doing both a charity work and activities focused on children and adolescents. As for the charity work, the volunteers will be assisting in food and clothes distribution for the needy ones. In one team, together with Polish volunteers, they will be preparing ‘ICE-kids’ club meetings (International Club of English) within the framework of which they will be organizing various forms of leisure activities for children and youth especially from poor backgrounds.

Cazare, hrană și transport

Personal support Accommodation and food – we are providing suitable accommodation and meals (a food allowance about 100 Euro) Allowance – we are giving the due allowance to the volunteer(s) on a monthly basis: 85 Euro.

Formare pe durata activității

We provide: > Mentor – is responsible for providing personal support to the volunteer(s). > Task-related support – offers supervision and guidance to the volunteer(s) through experienced staff. >> Language: volunteer will have an opportunity to learn Polish 4 hours per week 1. Pre-Departure Training, organized by SENDING ORGANISATION 2. On-Arrival Training, organized by - National Agency of program Erasmus + Youth (in Warsaw) 3. Mid-term training organized by - NA of program Erasmus + Youth (in Torun) 4. Final Evaluation, organized by SENDING ORGANISATION:

Profilul participantului

A volunteer should: - be open to cooperation and willing to act - agree to participate in activities throughout the duration of the contract and the training prepared for volunteers

Datele activității

Un număr total de 52 săptămâni, în perioada 01/07/2018 - 30/06/2019

Locul activității

Długa 8a, 65-001 Zielona Góra Poland

Se caută participanți din

Portugalia, Ungaria, Germania, Regatul Unit, Estonia, Lituania

Temele activității

Educație și formare

Creativitate și cultură

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 31/12/2017