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An Cór Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpach

I dteannta a chéile is treise sinn

EXPERYMENT Science Centre, support educational activities

Centrum Nauki Experyment w Gdyni

Centrum Nauki EXPERYMENT

Gdynia, an Pholainn

Cur síos

EXPERYMENT Science Centre is a modern scientific and educational playground for amateur explorers and the „learning through fun” philosophy followers of all ages. EXPERYMENT Science Centre organizes birthday parties for children, special lectures for little children and their parents, various workshops for younger and older guests. EXPERYMENT participates in many occasional festivals of science in the whole country.

Socruithe lóistín, bia agus iompair

Who can apply? We are searching for people who are communicative and open for new experiences, creative and inventive. Both male and female volunteers are wanted. The volunteer should be interested in methods of active education, open for people from other countries and cultures and like to co-operate and work in group. S/he should be open-minded to contribute with one’s own creativity and willing to develop his/her personality

Oiliúint le linn na gníomhaíochta

How to apply? If you are interested in applying fill in fill this application before 9 th of March 2020 More information here:

Próifíl an rannpháirtí

Who can apply? We are searching for people who are communicative and open for new experiences, creative and inventive. Both male and female volunteers are wanted. The volunteer should be interested in methods of active education, open for people from other countries and cultures and like to co-operate and work in group. S/he should be open-minded to contribute with one’s own creativity and willing to develop his/her personality

Dátaí na Gníomhaíochta

Ón 01/04/2020 go dtí an 31/03/2021

Suíomh na Gníomhaíochta

aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98,, Gdynia, an Pholainn

Obair dheonach aonair

Tá rannpháirtithe á lorg ó na tíortha seo a leanas

an Airméin, an Ostair, an Bhoisnia agus an Heirseagaivéin, an Bheilg, an Bhulgáir, an Bhealarúis, an Chipir, Poblacht na Seice, an Ghearmáin, an Danmhairg, an Eastóin, an Ghréig, an Spáinn, an Fhionlainn, an Fhrainc, an tSeoirsia, an Chróit, an Ungáir, Éire, an Íoslainn, an Iodáil, Lichtinstéin, an Liotuáin, Lucsamburg, an Laitvia, an Mholdóiv (Poblacht na Moldóive), Montainéagró, an Mhacadóin Thuaidh, Málta, an Ísiltír, an Iorua, an Pholainn, an Phortaingéil, an Rómáin, Cónaidhm na Rúise, an tSualainn, an tSlóivéin, an tSlóvaic, an Úcráin, an Ríocht Aontaithe

Ábhair na gníomhaíochta

Education and training

Spriocdháta le haghaidh iarratas

Spriocdháta d'iarratas: 10/03/2020 23:59