Arts Administration Assistant

Arts Administration Assistant

Galway Community Circus

Galway, Ireland

Tämän paikan hakuaika on päättynyt.

Hankkeen kuvaus

The Arts Administration Assistant is an important member of Galway Community Circus’ administration team and works closely with professional staff to gain practical work experience in non-profit planning and procedures that support the Circus’ mission and programs. They will learn about each staff role and gain valuable knowledge and experience in leadership, special events, fundraising, archives, communication, human resources, and program administration. The Arts Administration Assistant reports to the General Manager.

Majoitus, ateriat ja kuljetukset

Accomodation: GCC provides a private room in a house shared with other ESC in a quiet and nice neighbourhood. It is 5 min riding from the circus and it normally takes about 15 minutes to cycle from home to the center (Eyre Square). Internet/Heating/Electricity/Maintenance will be paid by GCC. Transport: GCC will provide bicycles for you to use while in Galway or you can also choose to walk as things are quite close to each other. The maintenance of it will be paid by GCC. Pocket money and allowance: You will be eligible to €6 per day and €160 allowance on top of it each month.

Koulutus hankkeen aikana

GCC will provide as much as possible training towards administration skills.

Osallistujan profiili

Have a demonstrated interest in the arts/arts administration and/or non-profit management. GCC is looking for someone who can work collaboratively with diverse groups of individuals. Who has the ability to work within deadlines, under pressure, and with a positive attitude at all times. Have customer service skills. Be comfortable making phone calls and in person communications with staff, supporters, tutors, and students. Possess emotional maturity and a sense of humor. Have some working knowledge of online research.


Yhteensä 48 viikkoa ajalla 01/10/202231/08/2023


St Joseph’s Community Centre, Ashe Road, Shantalla, H91 A4VW Galway Ireland

Maat, joista osallistujia haetaan

Belgia, Bulgaria, Tšekki, Tanska, Saksa, Viro, Kreikka, Espanja, Ranska, Kroatia, Islanti, Italia, Pohjois-Makedonia, Liechtenstein, Kypros, Luxemburg, Liettua, Unkari, Malta, Alankomaat, Itävalta, Puola, Portugali, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Suomi, Ruotsi

Toiminnan aiheet


Luovuus ja kulttuuri

Liikunta ja urheilu


Hakuajan päättymispäivän mukaan: 13/03/2022