Summer Voluntary Service in a Greek Island

Summer Voluntary Service in a Greek Island

EXPERIMENTAL Technology Education Sports

Vrontados, Greece

This activity is closed, you cannot apply.

Activity description

Our volunteers offer their services to Nursery Schools, Kindergartens, Primary & Special Education Schools by taking part "assistant teachers", in the educational procedure, assist in offering help to the Elderly & people in poverty institutions of the Island & realize non-profit new technologies, educational, sports, environmental & cultural programs, activities, presentations & seminars to educators, parents, youngsters & children. They are responsible for the technical part & in general the managing of the on-line radio station, which aims the promotion of education, environment, culture & sports & they publish their activities at the web site During the summer period, they realize the Community Development Summer Activities which include various activities such as the creation of mural paintings & educational games in school yards, the organization of cleaning & recycling activities, team games & dances etc.

Gisting, fæði og ferðatilhögun

Our volunteers are hosted in an apartment in a Chios Island's village which is within a walking distance from everything (working places, minimarket, pharmacy, beach), equipped with the necessary electrical appliances & furniture to cover all their basic needs. They live in gender based shared rooms with other volunteers & are responsible for keeping their hosting & working place clean & in order. They are responsible for making a cooking schedule at home & provide to the Hosting Organization a weekly list of the goods that they need for meals preparation in order to supply them with.

Training during the activity

Using cooperative & non-formal learning & Online Management methods the Hosting & the Cooperating Organizations provide to the Volunteers the necessary training & support in order to carry out their tasks & integrate into the local community. The mentors meet regularly with the volunteers in order to give them information & guidance for the development of their personal, cognitive, cultural & linguistic skills, they assist them in problem solving & they support them for the completion of their Youth-pass, CV & any other documentation that they need to complete after the end of their project.

Participant profile

We strongly believe that all the young people who are willing to collaborate & are thirsty for learning, can realize a very good & fruitful program as long as they are not afraid to “get their hands dirty” & see the glass as "half full" instead of “half empty"! Our only requirement is to be creative, positive, flexible, ready to offer & respect & adapt to our Island’s community & habits. The will to work with schools, children, young people & children with special needs & to assist in various institutions of the island that heavily rely on volunteers will be highly appreciated.

Activity dates

[tala] vika(-ur) alls á tímabilinu 01/06/2024 til 30/04/2026

Activity location

Andronikou h Xaxolou 60, Andronikou h Xaxolou 60, 82200 Vrontados Greece

 Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Estonia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden

Activity topics

Félagslegar áskoranir

Borgaraleg og lýðræðisleg þátttaka

Forvarnir og viðbrögð við hamförum

Umhverfis- og náttúruvernd

Heilsa og velferð

Nám og þjálfun

Atvinna og frumkvöðlastarfsemi

Sköpun og menning

Leikfimi og íþróttir

Deadline for applications

No application deadline