Summer Voluntary Service in a Greek Island

Summer Voluntary Service in a Greek Island

EXPERIMENTAL Technology Education Sports

Vrontados, Greece

This activity is closed, you cannot apply.

Wat houdt de activiteit in?

Our volunteers offer their services to Nursery Schools, Kindergartens, Primary & Special Education Schools by taking part "assistant teachers", in the educational procedure, assist in offering help to the Elderly & people in poverty institutions of the Island & realize non-profit new technologies, educational, sports, environmental & cultural programs, activities, presentations & seminars to educators, parents, youngsters & children. They are responsible for the technical part & in general the managing of the on-line radio station, which aims the promotion of education, environment, culture & sports & they publish their activities at the web site During the summer period, they realize the Community Development Summer Activities which include various activities such as the creation of mural paintings & educational games in school yards, the organization of cleaning & recycling activities, team games & dances etc.

Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

Our volunteers are hosted in an apartment in a Chios Island's village which is within a walking distance from everything (working places, minimarket, pharmacy, beach), equipped with the necessary electrical appliances & furniture to cover all their basic needs. They live in gender based shared rooms with other volunteers & are responsible for keeping their hosting & working place clean & in order. They are responsible for making a cooking schedule at home & provide to the Hosting Organization a weekly list of the goods that they need for meals preparation in order to supply them with.

Wat leer je?

Using cooperative & non-formal learning & Online Management methods the Hosting & the Cooperating Organizations provide to the Volunteers the necessary training & support in order to carry out their tasks & integrate into the local community. The mentors meet regularly with the volunteers in order to give them information & guidance for the development of their personal, cognitive, cultural & linguistic skills, they assist them in problem solving & they support them for the completion of their Youth-pass, CV & any other documentation that they need to complete after the end of their project.

Wie zoeken we?

We strongly believe that all the young people who are willing to collaborate & are thirsty for learning, can realize a very good & fruitful program as long as they are not afraid to “get their hands dirty” & see the glass as "half full" instead of “half empty"! Our only requirement is to be creative, positive, flexible, ready to offer & respect & adapt to our Island’s community & habits. The will to work with schools, children, young people & children with special needs & to assist in various institutions of the island that heavily rely on volunteers will be highly appreciated.

Begin- en einddatum

Totaal 8 week/weken in de periode van 01/06/2024 tot 30/04/2026


Andronikou h Xaxolou 60, Andronikou h Xaxolou 60, 82200 Vrontados Greece

 Individueel vrijwilligerswerk

Voor deelnemers uit:

Luxemburg, Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Spanje, Italië, Nederland, Estland, België, Denemarken, Finland, Hongarije, Liechtenstein, Noorwegen, Polen, Portugal, Roemenië, Zweden


Maatschappelijke uitdagingen

Burgerschap en democratische participatie

Preventie van en wederopbouw na rampen

Milieu- en natuurbescherming

Gezondheid en welzijn

Onderwijs en opleiding

Werkgelegenheid en ondernemerschap

Creativiteit en cultuur

Lichamelijke opvoeding en sport

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