-SOLUS- SOLidarity for US

-SOLUS- SOLidarity for US

K.A.NE. - Social Youth Development

Kalamata, Greece

De sollicitatietermijn is verstreken.

Wat houdt de activiteit in?

The project SOLUS, SOLidarity for US is a short-term volunteering project, through which 15 volunteers from 5 countries will be hosted in Kalamata during6 months. The projec will have 3 rounds of 2 months and in each round will be 5 volunteers ( 1 from each country ) The dates are: Round 1: 01 October - 30 November Round 2: 01 December - 30 January Round 3: 01 February - 01 April Available positions: 1- Dog rescue center 2-KEFIAP center 3-Good Cause 4-Therapeutic horseback riding 5-Artivistes 6-Natural farming For more information about the tasks, please contact the hosting or supporting organization.

Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

Accommodation - Volunteers are hosted in the youth hostel/guest house, two volunteers in each room. Food - The volunteers are getting coupons for the food. Transportation - Travel costs to and from Kalamata are covered according to the new Erasmus+ lump sums, based on the travel distance In the city - if necessary for the work, volunteers will get the bicycle or the bus tickets.

Wat leer je?

The volunteers will have the opportunity to attend different workshops/seminars, according to their interests.

Wie zoeken we?

The project is requiring a high level of commitment by the side of the volunteer, sense of solidarity and tolerance and willingness to work within a team. • The volunteer should be familiar with arts and develop competencies in working in a more independent environment (personal responsibility, sense of initiative). • Motivation to work with deadlines • Initiative to use open-space for personal projects • Open to explore the culture of EVS in Greece!

Begin- en einddatum

Totaal 9 week/weken in de periode van 02/08/2020 tot 01/10/2020


Salaminos 8, 24100 Kalamata Greece

Voor deelnemers uit:

Spanje, Italië, Slovenië, Polen, Portugal


Maatschappelijke uitdagingen

Burgerschap en democratische participatie

Milieu- en natuurbescherming

Gezondheid en welzijn

Onderwijs en opleiding

Creativiteit en cultuur

Uiterste sollicitatiedatum

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum: 15/06/2020