One Year's Volunteering at Depaul - candidate for Back Lane

One Year's Volunteering at Depaul - candidate for Back Lane


Dublin, Ireland

Tämän paikan hakuaika on päättynyt.

Hankkeen kuvaus

DEPAUL is a charity that supports vulnerable people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We provide accommodation and key services. Join 5 other volunteers for a 12 month placement. ESC participants bring energy, enthusiasm, culture, experience and knowledge that enhances the service we can provide, building valuable, supportive relationships with our service users. As an ESC participant, you might find yourself organising or getting involved in a variety of different activities aimed at boosting the skills and self-esteem of our service users, while developing your own skills and gaining new experiences. PLEASE NOTE: This opportunity is for our Back Lane host project. You MUST consult our Host Project Information, and submit a completed Depaul ESC Application Form, available at our website: We can only consider applications submitted this way - the deadline for applications has been extended.

Majoitus, ateriat ja kuljetukset

Participants will have a single room in our volunteer house. The house is located close to the host projects, near the city centre. The house will be shared with other ESC participants from all over Europe, who will no doubt rely on each other for fun and support. Participants will be provided with a pocket money allowance of €100, paid weekly. A travel allowance is provided for participants in host projects that are not within walking distance of the accommodation.

Koulutus hankkeen aikana

Participants will receive a full induction into Depaul, along with On-Arrival and Mid-Way training with the National Agency, along with other training opportunities throughout the year. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST consult our Host Project Information, and submit a completed Depaul ESC Application Form, available at our website:

Osallistujan profiili

Essential Skills for Depaul's ESC Participants include: • Being patient while inspiring and motivating service users • Staying empathic and non-judgmental, while working with people facing complex issues • Using initiative and staying flexible and open to new situations • A basic understanding of the issues surrounding homelessness • Working with people on the margins of society • A good level of written and spoken English – enough to have a conversation with service users PLEASE ENSURE that you read our Host Project Information and complete our Application Form, via our website


Yhteensä 52 viikkoa ajalla 01/09/202331/10/2024


18 Nicholas Street, Dublin, ​D08 VCP7 Dublin Ireland

 Yksilöllinen vapaaehtoistoiminta

Maat, joista osallistujia haetaan

Itävalta, Belgia, Bulgaria, Kroatia, Kypros, Tšekki, Saksa, Tanska, Viro, Suomi, Ranska, Kreikka, Unkari, Italia, Latvia, Liettua, Luxemburg, Malta, Alankomaat, Puola, Portugali, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Espanja, Ruotsi

Toiminnan aiheet

Kansalaisuus ja demokraattinen osallistuminen

Terveys ja hyvinvointi

Luovuus ja kulttuuri


Hakuajan päättymispäivän mukaan: 30/06/2023