Eurosensibiliza2 for Inclusion

Eurosensibiliza2 for Inclusion

Fundación Rey Ardid

Zaragoza, Spain, Spain

De sollicitatietermijn is verstreken.

Wat houdt de activiteit in?

The project "Eurosenibiliza2 in inclusion" takes place in Zaragoza (Aragon, Spain). Normally, the service takes place during 10 months (October to July). The activities of the project are developed in 3 areas: Mental Health, Elderly and Training and Employment. All of them with the same aim: to increase the quality of life of the most vulnerable people in our society in a face-to-face way and supported with voluntary activities. The idea is to choose to start in one of the areas and in the middle of the program you can see the rest of the areas where other European Volunteers will guide you through them, as you would do so in your area to others. Volunteers participate in numerous programs and activities of the organisation, collaborating in specialised centres where local volunteering is developed and consolidated. In the mental health area, the Social Club and Espacio Visiones. In the area of elderly people, residences and day centres, as well as the training area.

Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

You will be provided with accommodation: shared apartment with the other volunteers of the program. You will have pocket money and money for your meals, as the apartment has a kitchen. You will also be provided with a bus card to move around the city of Zaragoza.

Wat leer je?

During your volunteering, you will have 4 hours of Spanish course during the week in addition to other training necessary for the development of your volunteer project.

Wie zoeken we?

We are looking for a volunteer who is interested in working with people in vulnerable situations in the three areas where the project is developed: Mental Health, Elderly and Training & Employment. Due to the characteristics of the users, it is important that the volunteer has a basic knowledge of Spanish. We need empathetic people, with patience and willing to learn.

Begin- en einddatum

Totaal 53 week/weken in de periode van 01/10/2023 tot 30/09/2024


C/ Guillén de Castr 2-4, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain Spain

 Individueel vrijwilligerswerk

Voor deelnemers uit:

Albanië, Armenië, Oostenrijk, Azerbeidzjan, Bosnië en Herzegovina, België, Bulgarije, Belarus, Cyprus, Tsjechië, Denemarken, Duitsland, Griekenland, Finland, Frankrijk, Georgië, Kroatië, Hongarije, Ierland, IJsland, Italië, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Letland, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Noord-Macedonië, Malta, Nederland, Noorwegen, Polen, Portugal, Roemenië, Zweden, Slovenië, Slowakije


Maatschappelijke uitdagingen

Gezondheid en welzijn

Onderwijs en opleiding

Werkgelegenheid en ondernemerschap

Bestrijding van discriminatie (met inbegrip van discriminatie op grond van geslacht)

Uiterste sollicitatiedatum

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum: 15/08/2023