Creative Connections

Creative Connections

Associazione Casa Famiglia Rosetta Onlus

Mussomeli, Italy

Tämän paikan hakuaika on päättynyt.

Hankkeen kuvaus

Artistic, theatre and music activities and other meaningful tasks for people with disabilities. FILL UP APPLICATION FORM: Workshops: helping organize and lead art, theater or music workshops Support: providing support, helping them to participate in activities in the best way possible. Inclusivity: ensuring that all activities are inclusive and accessible Creativity: Inspiring creativity and self-expression among participants Social Interaction: creating opportunities for social interaction and integration Awareness: engaging in outreach and efforts to raise awareness of disability issues and promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in society. Personal Development: opportunity to develop their skills, i.e. communication, teamwork and intercultural competence, both in volunteers and participants. Creating Tips: Volunteers may collect and create suggestions to share, in the form of written or visual materials, with future volunteers

Majoitus, ateriat ja kuljetukset

Volunteers will be involved in activities 5 days per week, with a maximum of 35 working hours. They will live together in the beautiful Spinnato palace, a historical place in the centre of Mussomeli, right above Strauss APS headquarters. The flat is very large and contains all the necessary facilities, including a large terrace. Look at the flat here Volunteers are going to share the rooms, according to gender and/or other requests. The volunteer will receive a total amount of 342,00€, which include pocket money as established by the programme and pocket food.

Koulutus hankkeen aikana

Welcome training run by Strauss APS INFO PACK HERE:

Osallistujan profiili

Aged between 18 and 30. Interest in working with people with disabilities, Non Formal Education. Passionate about arts, theatre or music. Motivated to actively engage in the local community and willing to contribute to society inclusivity. Flexibility, adaptability and team spirit. 2 places available


Yhteensä 5 viikkoa ajalla 27/09/202330/10/2023


Piazza S.M.Di Gesù, 93014 Mussomeli Italy

 Yksilöllinen vapaaehtoistoiminta

Maat, joista osallistujia haetaan

Belgia, Itävalta, Bosnia ja Hertsegovina, Bulgaria, Kypros, Tšekki, Saksa, Tanska, Viro, Kreikka, Espanja, Suomi, Ranska, Kroatia, Unkari, Irlanti, Liettua, Latvia, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Malta, Alankomaat, Norja, Puola, Portugali, Romania, Serbia, Ruotsi, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraina, Turkki

Toiminnan aiheet

Yhteiskunnalliset haasteet


Hakuajan päättymispäivän mukaan: 03/09/2023