SİTODED - ESC in Braga 2024-1

SİTODED - ESC in Braga 2024-1

Braga, Portugal

De sollicitatietermijn is verstreken.

Wat houdt de activiteit in?

Project Lead&Supporting Organization: Sivil Toplum Destekleme Derneği - SİTODED - ERZURUM We will ensure that youngs act in a spirit of solidarity with volunteer awareness. With our project; - to enable youngs to act as part of the society in which they live; - to ensure that they act a spirit of solidarity in the social field and the consciousness of volunteering; - to provide assimilate volunteering; - to ensure that they are individuals who create social benefits; - to ensure that volunteers can also disseminate their environment; - to provide them act as entrepreneurs in the social and economic area with their participation in international activities. Volunteers will plan and carry out activities for young and old people. They will help to work in the activities of the hosting organization. Each volunteer will create and implement an individual project.

Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

ESC Volunteers will stay in a house. Volunteer will share his/her room with other volunteers (same gender). For each volunteer, we will pay 354 EUR for pocket money (59 days). Volunteers need visa. Travel is covered as by ESC rules based on distance as calculated in the Erasmus+ distance calculator.

Wie zoeken we?

Participants should be aged between 18-30 years. We are looking mainly for young people with fewer of opportunities, particularly with geographical or economic obstacles or cultural differences, who are interested in NGO field, education, culture and social initiatives, who are open-minded, tolerant and respectful of others, with strong desire to learn new things.

Begin- en einddatum

Totaal 9 week/weken in de periode van 01/06/2024 tot 29/07/2024


Braga Portugal

 Individueel vrijwilligerswerk

Voor deelnemers uit:



Burgerschap en democratische participatie

Werkgelegenheid en ondernemerschap

Creativiteit en cultuur

Uiterste sollicitatiedatum

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum: 30/04/2024