Unimpeded Smile 9

Unimpeded Smile 9


Delcevo/Stip, North Macedonia

This activity has expired, you cannot apply.

Pasākuma apraksts

Disabled individuals are people who have been facing somewhat social exclusion in communities over the world. The most important reason of this problem arises from the limited awareness in societies with regard to disabled people. An individual will contribute to the collective participation and acceptance of the disabled individual while doing his/her voluntary work. The activities in the project will positively affect the learning process of volunteers while contributing to the collective participation of disabled individuals by supporting cultural sharing and individual skills of them. We will send, in total, 15 volunteers to Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Tunisia, and Kosovo with 2 months periods.

Mācības pasākuma laikā

Training related to the activities of the project.

Dalībnieka profils

We are looking for volunteers who have high interest in the field of disability. Volunteers must be flexible, punctual and motivated.

Pasākuma datums

Pavisam 8 nedēļaa(s) laikā no 01/07/2018 līdz 30/08/2018

Pasākuma vieta

Delcevo/Stip North Macedonia

Meklējam dalībniekus no šīm valstīm


Pasākuma temati

Sociālie izaicinājumi

Pilsoniskums un demokrātiskā līdzdalība

Pieteikumu iesniegšanas termiņš

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