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Accredited organisation

Zdruzenie Slatinka

Združenie Slatinka

J. Kozáčeka 11, 96001, Zvolen, Slovacia - +421455335701

Descrierea organizației

Slatinka Association is a civic association, which was established in 1993 from the group of undergraduates and local people in response to the revival of the controversial Slatinka water dam project. Our mission is to protect natural values and the environment, especially in the Slatina river valley, direct participation and increased public participation in decision-making on projects and documents with an impact on the environment and environmental education of children and young people in particular.
Our volunteers plant and protect trees, clean the landscape and rivers bank from waste, create spaces for the survival of rare plants and animals in the valley of the river Slatina, but also in the urban environment of the town of Zvolen and around it. They do non-formal education activities for children, young people, and the general public about what environmental problems are and how we can solve them as individuals, members of smaller communities or residents of a settlement, country. We comment on strategic documents and draft laws on the protection of trees and nature in general. We are helping active groups of citizens to participate in solving specific environmental problems in Zvolen and its surroundings.
The partners of the activities are mainly locals and young people - students of the University in Zvolen, high school students, and young volunteers. We also cooperate with the municipality of Zvolen and Zvolenská Slatina and vocational and educational Institutions (Technical University in Zvolen, State Nature Protection Zvolen, Institute of Forest Ecology at Slovak Academy of Science)
Our target group is mainly public in Zvolen region, including young people and children. Special target groups are formal authorities who make decision about environmental, nature and trees protection in our region, and in national level too, for example members of thematic working groups, members of city councils, mayors etc.
The activities are designed for the local community regardless of age, social and economic status. They are concentrated in five categories, which are:
1. LET´S SAVE SLATINKA - Sustainable use of the Slatina river valley, water protection and Slatinka village revitalization (including protection of the cultural heritage of the village, maintenance of the educational trail and the former school - today there is a library and an eco-centre)
2. NATURAL LOCATIONS IN THE CITY - integration of the remnants of natural sites into urbanized areas without disturbing their natural values (including the management of one of the most valuable sites in Zvolen - Lanice Park)
3. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION - environmental awareness-raising activities, especially activities for children and young people (including activities for the practical participation of children and young people in community life and decision-making on matters of their interest)
4. ECO COUNSELING „ZELENÁ SKRINKA“ - support for active people who want to protect the environment and participate in decision-making on projects and documents with an impact on their environment (including discussions, educational activities for citizens)
5. VOLUNTEER INFO POINT - Promotion and support of volunteering of young people in the region of Zvolen - Detva - Banská Štiavnica, based on accreditation at the Volunteer Centre in Banská Bystrica.
In addition, we do various activities with local people to improve the environment at specific locations in and around Zvolen. Places are selected mainly on the basis of the interest of local people who are willing not only to request outside help, but also to contribute themselves to the improvement of their condition. Other places we beautified temporarily during events such as Earth Day, installation of land art, volunteer brigades for cleaning waste, etc. Many improvements were also made in the village Slatinka (bridge repair, lighting installation and operation, installation of information boards, modification of the village centre, adjustment of wells, etc.)
Since 2014, the Slatinka Association has been part of the network of the Volunteer Centre of the Banska Bystrica Region and is accredited as an organization that meets higher standards of work with volunteers. We are part of the network of environmental organizations Ekoforum, an informal platform of NGOs in Zvolen. We are part of the Initiative For Living Rivers, we cooperate with foreign and Slovak environmental and volunteer organizations (Bankwatch, WWF, Friends of the Earth).

  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 949018610 OID: E10066701

Tematica organizației

Green skills

Community development

Key competences development