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Accredited organisation

Freunde alter Menschen e.V. - les petits frères des Pauvres

Freunde alter Menschen e.V.

Hornstr. 21, 10963, Berlin, Tyskland - +49306911883

Beskrivning av organisationen

More and more elderly people live alone today. Many of them have survived friends and live far away from their family. The necessary care for the elderly is now organized more or less well. But human proximity can't be substitutes by homecare-services. Therefore, our associations' mission is to preserve old lonely people from loneliness and isolation. We create social contacts and personal meetings so that hope and joy can move back. With our motto " Old friends are best " we set an example and take a different approach in acting with the elderly. An aging society needs to rethink and change her relationship towards the elderly! We lead by example.

  • Den här organisationen får driva projekt inom Erasmus+ (volontärverksamhet) och Europeiska solidaritetskåren.
  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.
PIC: 946293880 OID: E10097215