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Accredited organisation



VERIN SHENGAVIT 10 STREET BUILDING 1 APP 35, 0006, YEREVAN, Örményország - +37491596235

A szervezet leírása

Armenian Progressive Youth (APY) was founded in Yerevan, Armenia in 2009 by a group of like-minded students. Our mission is to promote human rights education, political, social and economic participation of young people in Armenia and beyond through non-formal educational programs.

Organization aims at supporting young people to grow personally and develop their professional competencies through different local, regional and international educational programs. Until today APY has carried out more than 500 national and transnational activities involving 25 000+ young people from Europe. The main experience of the organization lies within the areas human rights education (HRE), education for democratic citizenship (EDC), digital participation and economic empowerment of youth.

Our goals:
• Fostering active citizenship and youth participation by improving understanding of democratic values and principles;
• Building capacities of young people and providing personal and professional growth through non-formal education and volunteering programs;
• Promoting development and recognition of youth work, non-formal education and volunteering in Armenia;
• Stimulating accessibility of young people to formal and non-formal education opportunities;
• Strengthening educational and intercultural exchange between young people of Armenia and other countries;
• Promoting development of civil society in Armenia and engaging young people in those processes.

Sajátos igények kategóriái

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Ez a szervezet az Európai Szolidaritási Testület minőségi védjegyével rendelkezik. A minőségi védjegy tanúsítja, hogy a szervezet képes olyan projekteket szervezni és megvalósítani, melyek összhangban vannak az Európai Szolidaritási Testület elveivel és célkitűzéseivel.

Alkalmazási kör Önkéntes tevékenységek

Szerep Akkreditáció lejárata
Hosting 31/12/2026
Támogatás 31/12/2026
PIC: 949029571 OID: E10067372

Tevékenységi területek

Környezetvédelem és éghajlatváltozás

A nemek közötti egyenlőség és esélyegyenlőség

Vidék- és városfejlesztés