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Accredited organisation



IOUSTINIANOU 19, 62124, SERRES, Grčija - +306944263636

Opis organizacije

PRAXIS is a youth non-governmental organisation in Serres, northern Greece, founded in 1995 and active in the fields of YouthPolicy, Media, Migration, Human Rights, and Lifelong Learning. Offering a broad spectrum of activities that support the development and empowerment of Greek civil society, PRAXIS stands for Developing Youth Participation at Local Level, with the purpose of fostering the potential of young people to be the active citizens who bring about positive social change both in their local communities and the regional and international realities. With our work, young people develop their competences and boost employability by reinforcing their links with the labour market; we strive to always improve the quality of youth work and training; and we contribute to active recognition of non formal education, life- long learning and youth work by the society.
*PRAXIS organises activities and implements projects intended for the youth in the Serres area, and offers opportunities for social inclusion to all vulnerable and/or marginalised members of the society, including vulnerable citizens at the brink of social exclusion, refugees and retirees.
* PRAXIS’ solidarity activities span a variety of fields including Active Citizenship, Human Rights, Volunteerism, Intercultural Dialogue, Lifelong Learning, Avoidance of Marginalisation & Enhancement of Social Inclusion. Our work strengthens the links between different stakeholders in the society, e.g. civil society organisations, international NGOs, local authorities & decision-makers and media.
*PRAXIS provides capacity building training courses (TCs) for development of leadership skills for youth, promoting dialogue and action on European citizenship and the universal character of the EU's core values, such as democracy, the rule of law and human rights. These capacity‐building opportunities cultivate skills that are essential for prevention of social exclusion, enhancement of intercultural dialogue and social inclusion, facilitation of integration of migrants etc. Such trainings include Leadership Skills for Youth, Diverse Youth Identities etc. TCs offer opportunities for personal and social development of youth, employing non-formal education methods that are based on: Creative thinking and art methods, experiential learning, Cooperation and learning, Outdoor activities.
*With regards to refugee inclusion, PRAXIS’ actions include non-formal education courses, creative workshops and other events bringing together youth from all over Europe and the local refugee community, in order to interact in a safe, inclusive environment. More specifically, on offer are courses (e.g. Greek, English, German, IT), workshops promoting social inclusion (e.g. Job-related skill acquisition), social events (Personalities Marketplace, cinema nights, group games, personal life experiences exchange) and sports events. All activities and projects contribute to the better integration of young migrants and—via innovative and creative tools—enhance the development of skills, initiative, creativity and motivation for both the youth workers and the migrant-beneficiaries.
*PRAXIS’ youth workers engage the media, with broadcasts in a non-profit programme at a local radio, raising several issues of social importance. They write articles, comments & opinions on the e-magazine MEDIART, organise, coordinate and support events and electronic campaigns using press, radio, & social media; and cooperate with international organisations for International Days.
*The media are also used as a means to promote refugee integration. PRAXIS facilitates and encourages the use of both social and traditional media, internet and computers, in order for refugees and youth workers to share common interests in activities. Thus, radio broadcasts, promotional radio-spots, published material that raises community awareness to inclusion, promotion of events promoting cultural integration etc. are all put to good use.
*PRAXIS is a coordinator organisation sending and a hosting EVS/ESC since 1998. We maintain a strong regional, interregional and EU-wide network that allows the realisation of internships, seminars and youth projects within the European Solidarity context. PRAXIS co-operates also with the municipal Cultural Centre of Serres, International University of Greece, Municipality of Thessaloniki- KEDITH, UNESCO, UNHCR, Panserraikos F.C. and other local & national institutions. Is a member of “Anna Linch foundation” and “National Youth Council.
*PRAXIS runs the Youth Information Center, which aims to boost the employability of young people by providing information on opportunities and guidance, but also leisure time activities, using digital means.
*PRAXIS has developed two applications for smart mobiles:
Application for the clean city by active citizens: &
Application for interactive “Thessaloniki city games” including historical events and monuments

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

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Hosting 31/12/2027
Podporna organizacija 31/12/2027

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PIC: 948534677 OID: E10035547