13 COURS JOURDAN, 87000, LIMOGES, France

www.crijlimousin.org - +33555106099

beskrivelse af organisationen

The Regional Youth Information Centre (CRIJ Limousin) is a non profit organization created through the initiative of the Youth and Sport Ministry. It aims at supporting youngsters’ autonomy by offering them essential information for their daily life as it is written in the European Youth Information Charter.
Our structure receives and gives information to around 15.000 people a year, mainly youngsters aged from 16 to 30 years old, but we are also welcoming every kind of public without any discrimination (parents, professionals and unemployed people).
In order to extend its influence and to concern as many people as possible, the CRIJ also coordinates a network of 24 Youth Information structures across all the Limousin territory.
To give the most accurate information to youngsters, we create and realize thematic guides and documents in all areas concerning them: job, accommodation, health, leisure and holidays, European and international mobility, transportation etc. The CRIJ also offers free services (jobs and accommodation ads, and free Internet access) and organizes several events: Job Day, international mobility workshops...
Regarding international mobility, we are particularly focused on it through several actions we lead in this area. Indeed, we manage the sending and hosting of youngsters within the frame of 2 different programs: the European Voluntary Service (we have been a sending organisation since 1997) and the Eurodyssée program (program of the Assembly of European Regions which offers young graduates training periods in Europe). The CRIJ is also a member of the European information network Eurodesk and participates to workshops and seminars organized within this frame. Youngsters mobility is an important issue to us because we live in a mainly rural region where youngsters are often handicapped by geography and existing transport, and even more reluctant to move across borders! We aim at developing their mobility and making them real European citizens.
The CRIJ is located in the city of Limoges, in the Limousin region (Great South West of France). More than 140 000 inhabitants live in Limoges. It is a dynamic and human size city surrounded by nature and countryside. Hosting many students due to its University, Limoges is famous for its porcelain and enamel handicrafts, and offers many cultural activities: theatres, cinemas, libraries, excellent restaurants without avoiding sport equipments of quality…. Limoges is a good compromise between urban and rural life and the Limousin region is an ideal place for people who love nature, sports and pretty villages!


This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

InklusionskategoriModtager projekterSender projekterKoordinerer projekterVærtsorganisationSupporting organisation
Economic obstacles
Geographical obstacles
Cultural differences

Volunteering project

Projekttitel Project Dates Frist Status
Enhance Youth International mobility
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
sep 2015 to aug 2016
01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
30/04/2015 closed

Denne organisation er godkendt til at forvalte projekter for frivillige under Erasmus+ og det europæiske solidaritetskorps.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
PIC: 948954784 OID: E10062673
Senest opdateret den 04/05/18

Organisationens emner

Internationalt samarbejde, internationale relationer, udviklingssamarbejde

Ungdom (deltagelse, ungdomsarbejde og ungdomspolitik)

Arbejdsmarkedsspørgsmål, herunder erhvervsvejledning/ungdomsarbejdsløshed