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Accredited organisation

Asociatia CreativePlus ONG

CreativePlus NGO

Roma Street No 4, 900002, Constanta, Rumænien - +40761328157

Beskrivelse af organisationen

We design interesting and dynamic activities for being used in spare time of children, youngsters and
adults, in order to :
- develop creativity, critical thinking and innovation abilities;
- cultivating eco-values (appreciating and preserving earth resources);
- enrichment of community values regarding cultural and hystorical legacy and living in peace and tolerance with each other.
Since the beginning in 2013, our NGO has organized several projects according to our values : creative workshops, personal development sessions for children, youngsters and adults, series of events for promoting volunteering, fundraising events. We also promote our national cultural legacy. For all this, we use nonformal methods of education.
We believe that by involving young people in the community and by developing the community on a set of solid human values and principles, as those promoted by our organization, we can act for solving some of the problems of the community.
Our entire business is based on the desire to live in a community of people who want to develop themselves, being open to non-formal education programs for them and their children, programs which make our organization to be recognized as a standard of quality. At the same time, we want to live in a world that values traditional and cultural heritage, values the planet's resources, peace and tolerance.


This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Educational difficulties
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Refugees
  • Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
Støtte 31/12/2027
PIC: 945117852 OID: E10019392