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Accredited organisation



Str. Rovine, No. 1, Ghermanesti , 077165, Ghermanesti, Romunija - +40745155392

Opis organizacije

A4ACTION – the Association for Initiatives and Continuous Development is an organisation funded in October 2012. Its activity is deployed on the following levels:
- Local level – in the rural environment, through A4ACTION Youth Centre from Ghermănești, Snagov village, Ilfov District
- Regional level through the involvement in the youth initiative “Together for Ilfov”. This initiative has the purpose to develop Ilfov District based on non-formal educational programs organized in partnership with NGOs active in the field from Ilfov District.
- National level through the Youth Problem Council membership; council organized by the Youth and Sport Ministry in Romania and VOLUM membership;
- International level through different partnerships developed with European Union countries and not only

A4ACTION mission is to promote non-formal education and volunteering. We develop educational programs, animation activities, civil involvement, environment and social protection programs as well as cultural development programs. Most of A4ACTION programs are deployed within A4ACTION Youth Centre. From May 2015, the moment we registered, until the present day, within our Youth Centre we developed numerous non-formal educational activities such as: homework with children, storytelling, shadow theatre, cartoons, up-cycling, movies, water fights, intercultural evenings (we organized already the Spanish, Belgium, Franch and the Latvian international evening). Based on the international volunteers initiatives, we initiated new activities: English classes, Spanish class “El encuentro Latino'', French lesson, and the activity “Just Dance”. We want to add these initiatives in the daily schedule of the Youth Center and for this reason we support the international volunteers to pass the necessary skills to our local volunteers. This was a good opportunity for international volunteers to learn how to transmit and for our local volunteers to adopt new skills and to continue the activities, making our community benefit from them even after the project is closed. At this moment, the international and local volunteers are involved in activities at the Youth Center, but also in Primary School Mihai Eminescu, Ghermanesti and Mihai Kogalniceanu high school.

Based on this first EVS project – EVS Community that hosted in total 3 international volunteers (2 from Spain and 1 from Latvia, 1 volunteer being still continuing his EVS stage until the month of April 2017), our organisation promotes the non-formal educational activities within our community, we give youngsters the possibility to open themselves through international opportunities, to meet different cultures and to join new activities that use non formal educational methods. With these new activities developed, A4ACTION contributes to the personal and professional development of the 3 international volunteers.
Through our second EVS project - EVShape up, we were able to continue to support the Snagov community with the help of the international volunteers (3 from Belgium and 4 from Latvia) and of course with the help of the local volunteers. At this moment our international volunteers are involved in many activities implemented in our Youth Center or in schools.

We wish to continue this program and to grow together with our international volunteers. We strongly believe that a multi-cultural environment is opening new roads for the community, solving many of its problems. Therefore, we fully support our youngster’s development through international opportunities offered by the ERASMUS+ program and European Solidarity Corps. A4ACTION aims to be a living example for our community and based on this accreditation we want to develop new opportunities for Snagov.

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

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Hosting 31/12/2027
Podporna organizacija 31/12/2027

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PIC: 941273742 OID: E10195746