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Accredited organisation



Via Giolitti 21, 10123, Torino, Italien - +390110686942

Beskrivning av organisationen

EUfemia is an association for social promotion in the cultural field, established in January 2010, promoted by a group of young people committed to supporting the process of European integration.
Thanks to non-formal education methodology, intercultural dialogue, exchanges and networking, our association aims to develop active citizenship educational programs in a European context, especially in the fields of Youth, Equal opportunities and Social Inclusion.
The staff of Eufemia has an extensive experience in several EU Programmes (eg: Youth in Action' and Erasmus+), especially in the field of Youth. We cooperated in project design, facilitated Youth Exchanges and Trainings abroad, organized and run Youth Exchanges in Turin as well as non-formal learning activities. We also managed local and regional-level projects, workshops and activities on non-formal education intervention methods, facilitating working group sessions and group dynamics.

För alla?

Organisationen tar emot volontärer som av olika skäl har svårare att delta i olika aktiviteter. Det gäller följande kategorier och projekt:

  • Ekonomiska hinder
  • Geografiska hinder
  • Sociala problem
  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Hosting 31/12/2027
Stödjande 31/12/2027

Ansvarig organisation

PIC: 948152206 OID: E10009755

Organisationens inriktning


Skills development
