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Accredited organisation



164 avenue Philippon, 64000, PAU, Franța - +33559849200

Descrierea organizației

Pistes-Solidaires in a NGO that was created in 2002.
The organisation develops its projects and actions according to the 4 pillars of education of UNESCO: learning to know, learning to be, learning to do, learning to live together and with others.
Education goes hand in hand with openness to the world and an understanding of local/global interdependencies.The work of Pistes-Solidaires is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our work is organized in 3 departments, each one having its own objectives. 1/ MOBILITY OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND STUDENTS
Our work with young people is focused on the development of learning paths through learning mobility in Europe and in
the world. These pathways are experiential learning through volunteering and internships abroad. We create and bundle opportunities for 300+ young people each year to have a strong learning experience. Special attention is paid to the skills acquired, the valorization of experience, the transfer of knowledge to other areas once the mobility is over. Since 2020, we also work virtual mobility for all.
We are working with 3 main programs: the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ (VET and higher education internships, youth exchanges, training courses, Capacity building projects in the field of youth) from the European Union and the Service Civique (volunteering program from the French Government). We create every year opportunities for young people in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. We act as a supporting, hosting and coordinating organisation in the ESC program and we are among the most active in the field of youth in Europe since the European Commission has awarded us the status of European NGO.
Pistes-Solidaires is also the coordinator of LE.MO.N. (Learning Mobility Network) gathering around 15 organisations from more than 12 different EU countries aiming at improving all together quality in learning mobility projects.

Research and innovation in the social and education fields are at the heart of this area of work. We create educational, social or socio-cultural resources in order to better answer needs that emerge in a transition society. Digitalization and Green deal challenges impact education providers from all fields and request new approaches and changes. This is what we do to support the change and turn it into opportunities.
This work department is very much connected to European cooperation: digitalization and green deal challenges are European wide subjects; best answers are obtained through and EU wide perspective/ EU wide partnerships. Some specific sectors have been worked on in recent years:
- Community gardens, sustainable consumption and global warming (SDG 11: Sustainable cities and community): training of community garden organizers to increase their sustainability
- Inclusion of Migrants in the Community (SDG 10: Reduce Inequalities) : we run a unique service of time bank solely dedicated to help third-country nationals (TCN) to get integrated to the community and local community members to better accept and support those who have just arrived. By extension we accompany the development of opportunities of employment for migrants through e-learning and online trainings, the social inclusion of children of refugees and migrants in primary schools...
- Youth Empowerment, skills and behavioral Knowledge including how to prevent discriminations and hate speech among youngsters
- Increase motivation of pupils at school through non-formal education techniques teaching to teachers (SDG 4: quality education)
- Development of digital skills to increase the development of employment opportunities (SDG 4: quality education) creating by instance environments of virtual reality to discover the reality of some jobs recruiting low-skilled people, Pistes-Solidaires’ methodology is based on experiential learning (Kolbs), non-formal activities and education.

Since 2013, we have been labelled Europe Direct by the European Commission. Our missions: to inform, advise, make the EU, its member states, its functioning, its importance and its impact on our daily life understood and known. Through non-formal education techniques and methods, we organize dozens of activities in our region: interventions in schools, theatre shows on the EU, debates, exhibitions, fight against fake news, creation of educational materials, access to objective information...

  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
De sprijin 31/12/2027

Organizația responsabilă

PIC: 949675979 OID: E10109384

Tematica organizației

Green skills

European identity and values
