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Accredited organisation

Vilniaus atviras jaunimo centras "Mes"

AJC "Mes"

Šopeno str. 3, LT-03211, Vilnius, Litvánia - +370 68443486

A szervezet leírása

Open youth centre "Mes" is formed of 5 youth spaces located in different parts/suburbs of Vilnius city.
Organization is based on non-formal learning, activies organised for the young people from 14 to 29 y.o. based on their capabilities and needs. Main idea of the center – safe space for any kind of young people and quality youth work as well as social services for youth. In open youth space – 4 paid youth workers and one international volunteer. Total in open youth space – more than 10 paid specialist / psychologists, theatre educators, art educator, director, youth initiative coordinator etc.
Youth space clients mostly teenagers that are lacking social skill, from low economical background, other difficulties or obstacles. Through the activities of the youth center we try to provide young people a safe space, where they can spend their leisure time with less risk of violence, drugs or harassment, having a place to use their energy in a creative and conscious direction. Lack of safe place for the young people we see as an important social problem. There are plenty of clubs, where consuming alcohol and drugs is not
controlled, as well as nearly no institution makes an effort to help young people reinforcing and accepting every young person. We try to support youngsters in change towards more constructive lifestyle and behaviour.
Open youth center “MES” has a lot of experience in non-formal education activities with different target groups. For example, center has non- formal education program for vulnerable young people working with them in the groups as well as individually. Center has different networks in all Vilnius city. These networks were created during our work with NEET young people in youth guarantees program. Center is working with other non-formal education institutions, police, probation services, Vilnius city municipality departments, etc. We believe that "MES" is very strong in the field of implementing services for young people according their needs and working according the principles of open youth work and other methods.

  • Ez a szervezet az Európai Szolidaritási Testület minőségi védjegyével rendelkezik. A minőségi védjegy tanúsítja, hogy a szervezet képes olyan projekteket szervezni és megvalósítani, melyek összhangban vannak az Európai Szolidaritási Testület elveivel és célkitűzéseivel.

Alkalmazási kör Önkéntes tevékenységek

Szerep Akkreditáció lejárata
Hosting 31/12/2027
Támogatás 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 940678259 OID: E10164772