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Accredited organisation


HOUSE 5/1, HOVSEPYAN STR , 3115, GYUMRI, Armēnija - +37493858307

Organizācijas apraksts:

Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (YIC) was established in 2008 with the mission to raise the civic activism of youth and to contribute to their life quality through a youth-centred approach. YIC strives to make the voices of young people heard through youth initiatives and to open up new opportunities for development of young people and the community around them.
YIC carries out various local and international projects, including but not limited to:
● Internship, job shadowing and training opportunities,
● International mobility projects for young people and youth workers,
● Cultural, language, environmental and biking clubs,
● “Friday’s Cafe” educational and entertainment programme,
● Soap making workshop and handicrafts,
● Conferences and forums,
● Summer camps for girls and for teenagers,
● European Volunteering Projects,
● Youth policy research and consulting,
● Festivals and fairs,
● Hiking tours and excursions.
YIC provides consulting and support to youth initiatives, promotes volunteering, youth entrepreneurship, youth participation, gender equality and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, especially from rural areas, supports the establishment and recognition of open youth work in Armenia.
In 2017 YIC founded the first open youth centre in Armenia - the Gyumri Youth House, serving the youngsters of 13-18 years old. In 2020 YIC founded its second open youth centre - the Spitak Youth House, in the midst of global challenges. Both centres are located in the outskirts of the city centres of Gyumri and Spitak and serve underprivileged young people. The establishment of the centres is a result of a successful cooperation with local municipalities and the international organisations, including EU and UNICEF. In the frames of upcoming cooperation with UNICEF Armenia, three more centres will be established in Gegharkunik and Armavir regions, in Gavar, Armavir and Ejmiatsin. In other words, the organization has expanded its operational coverage throughout the territory of Armenia.
Since 2017, YIC is the Info Centre for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps programmes in Armenia – the body responsible to provide information and support for young people and youth organisations within the mentioned EU programmes.
In 2018 the organisation established a social entrepreneurship “Bike Life” promoting not only a healthy lifestyle, but also entrepreneurship and tourism in the local community. As part of its youth entrepreneurship development activity direction, YIC is implementing the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Cities of YOUth: Increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure” in 5 countries (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Croatia) providing individual and group coaching to NEET youngsters between 16-25 years old by the youth workers who have been trained in the frames of the project to provide youth work, coaching and mentoring to youngsters.
Since September 2020, in the frame of the "EU 4 Gender Equality" project, YIC with UNFPA Armenia Country office established a "Family Corner" resource center in Gyumri, aimed at changing stereotypes about the roles of women and men, increasing the involvement of men in child care and parenting. By November 2021, it is planned to open "Family Corner" resource centers in Lori and Tavush regions.
The Beneficiaries of YIC are 13 to 30-years-old teenagers and young people; non-formal youth groups; youth workers; youth organisations, vocational/educational institutions; state, private and non-governmental institutions working on youth issues.
The activities of YIC are open to any young person living in Armenia and abroad, irrespective of sex, education, social status, and religious views. Throughout its activities, the Organisation has served thousands of young people offering a wide range of opportunities for volunteering, becoming educated and skilful, knowledgeable of their rights, competitive at the labour market, responsible and active citizens. Today YIC has 58 members and more than 1000 beneficiaries yearly participating in the Organisation's everyday activities.
The daily activities of YIC are organized and implemented by a team of 19 skilful and devoted individuals who are well-recognized in the field of youth work. Staff members believe in the mission of the Organisation and are constantly inspired by the idea of bringing positive changes in the society through their engagement and contribution.
The strategic management of YIC is carried out by the International Board consisting of 5 members experienced in youth work, youth policy and organizational development who live and carry out professional activities in Armenia and France.
YIC is part of a series of important initiatives and international networks that target youth, youth policy, youth work, volunteering, intercultural dialogue, and peace-building.

  • Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

Joma Brīvprātīgais darbs

Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
Atbalsta 31/12/2027
PIC: 946530948 OID: E10113209

Organizācijas temati

Community development

European identity and values

Quality and innovation of youth work