Croce Rossa Italiana - Comitato di Pesaro - ODV

Croce Rossa Italiana - Comitato di Pesaro - ODV

CRI Pesaro

Via Aurelio Saffi 8, 61122, Pesaro, Italy - +390721410842

descrierea organizației

The Croce Rossa Italiana - Comitato di Pesaro is part of the International Red Cross Movement, whose main aim is to alleviate the suffering of those in crisis, regardless of the ground of their discomfort. At national level Croce Rossa Italiana involves almost 140.000 active members, operating through a network of local Committees that can better address the needs emerging from each and every community.
The Committee of Pesaro is supported by 52 employees and by around 300 volunteers active in the fields of: social assistance, medical support, emergency response, first aid, training and refugees services. The services implemented within each operative area address the most vulnerable members of the local community, in particular elderly, sick, people at risk of exclusion and refugees. These services are complemented with activities of fundraising, awareness and sensibilisation campaigns and initiatives which can allow the hosted volunteers to gain a 360° learning experience in both operational and planning tasks.

Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
PIC: 937117292 OID: E10036129
Ultima actualizare 10/06/24

Tematica organizației


Community development