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Accredited organisation



VIA PAOLI 39, 61122, PESARO PU, Italia - +3907216303868

Descrierea organizației

Vicolocorto is a non-political, non-profit youth cultural association created in 2006 and based in Pesaro, Italy.
It is specialized in youth work and it operates in the fields of non-formal and extra-school education; intercultural learning, promotion of youth mobility, volunteering and youth participation; study and research on youth policies and activities.
Vicolocorto's projects focus on the empowerment of young people, enhancing their role in the creation of a better civil society and European citizenship through their active participation. The Association has gained a broad experience in the field of youth policies and international mobility, involving many young people in international projects and hosting more than 20 projects so far. The Association can rely on a specialised team of trainers and youth workers, who gained experience through training courses in formal and non-formal education context and working side by side with youth.
To reach its aims the association VICOLOCORTO organizes the following activities:

- Intercultural activities, which imply the coordination, organisation and implementation of youth mobility projects at local, national and international level. An open and effective dialogue between different cultures is promoted, along with the opportunities and values of Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps and of the European Commission.
- Cultural activities, which can include events, presentations, partnership in local festivals, meetings taking place in the office of the association but also in other venues, like the city library. Such events connect the association even more with the local community and provide youngsters with a healthy and stimulating context for ideas exchange.
- Educational activities, which can be realised through laboratories, workshops and presentations and happen in both school and extra-school contexts, like for examples in youth centres. Using non-formal education methods and proactive approach, such events are also meant to raise awareness and discussion about European and global relevant issues, such as citizenship, arts and human rights. Among the educational activities, Vicolocorto is getting more and more specialised in the organization and implementation of English conversation workshops addressed to young people from 16 to 35 years old.
- Information activities implemented in two different settings: first of all, a front-desk inside the Job Center and the Youth Info-point, because of the partnership with these local institutions; secondly, Vicolocorto schedules meetings inside schools and universities in the light of spreading knowledge about international mobility projects. Thanks to these regularly scheduled activities, youngsters have a wide range of possibilities to access information about the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programme.
- Coaching activities, by stimulating and supporting informal groups or associations on taking up international projects and developing their own ideas, mainly but not exclusively in the frame of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.
- Communications activities, which are developed through several online and offline platforms (blog, social media, newspapers, publications, other materials) and address mainly youngsters, but also other organisations and institutions, youth workers and policy-makers. Such activities, in the shape of articles, reports, booklets, videos, are not just meant to disseminate the results of the association and its partners activities, but mostly they shed a light on opportunities for young people, promoting inter-connection between the actors of the community and fostering active participation in the life of society.

Since January 2017, thanks to the partnership with the Job Center, Vicolocorto moved the office inside its same building, so now the contact with unemployed youngsters, drop-out and youngsters with fewer opportunities is more direct and fruitful.

  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
De sprijin 31/12/2027

Organizația responsabilă

PIC: 947759938 OID: E10195230