European University Sports Association - Podruznica Ljubljana

European University Sports Association - Podruznica Ljubljana

Tomsiceva ulica 4, SI-1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia - +38612560056

beskrivning av organisationen

European University Sports Association (EUSA) is an umbrella non-governmental (NGO), non-profit organisation, working in the field of university sport in Europe. It links national university sport federations, universities, teams, individual competitors, volunteers and other partners in 45 countries throughout Europe.
Our activities promote EUSA values of a sound mind in a sound body encouraging young people, especially university students aged 17-30, to actively involve both academic level (pursue the higher education) as well as being active in sports (pursue the sports career or activity); without any discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, political and other grounds.
EUSA mission is to maintain and develop regular communication between the national federations, European universities and students; to co-ordinate competitions, conferences, mass-sport-events and other activities both at university and national level; to represent university sport in general and the member federations in particular in relation to European organisations; to disseminate throughout Europe the ideals of university sport in close collaboration with the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and other European organisations.
EUSA is the licence-holder and coordinator of European Universities Championships and European Universities Games. Each year, over 3000 participants take part in our sporting events. Apart from the sports programme and activities, EUSA also supports and encourages educational activities in the field of student sport. These are mainly realised by EUSA Conferences, Seminars and Conventions. To support the development of University Sport in Europe, EUSA is also implementing or participating in different programs and projects.
The facilities where the volunteers will be working is a spacious office in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana where also other EUSA staff is working, with all the amenities that they need (own desk, laptop, phone…). The daily work is carried out in a creative and relaxed atmosphere.
The working obligations of the volunteer encompass 35 hours per week, usually from Monday until Friday between 9:00 am and 16:00 pm, with weekends and public holidays off. In case of activities required in weekends, the volunteer will have two consecutive days off during the week. The volunteers will also have a chance to travel and are entitled to two days off per month.

Den här organisationen får driva projekt inom Erasmus+ (volontärverksamhet) och Europeiska solidaritetskåren.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärarbete

Roll T.o.m.
PIC: 940915424 OID: E10177484
Senaste uppdatering 08/01/18

Organisationens inriktning

EU guidelines on dual careers of athletes

Idrott på gräsrotsnivå

Åtgärder mot diskriminering, intolerans, droger, dopning, uppgjorda matcher och våld inom idrotten

This organisation is not recruiting any volunteers just now.