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Accredited organisation

Zespoł Szkół Nr 16 w Białymstoku

Zespół Szkół Nr 16 w Białymstoku

Zwycięstwa 28, 15-703 Białystok, Białystok, Polen - +48 85 7422569

Beschrijving van de organisatie

The Complex School No. 16 in Bialystok trains and educates young people with intellectual disability.
In our school there are about 205 students aged 16-24 years old. It consists of the following schools:
Vocational Special School, educating young people in following professions: a hairdresser, a cook, a
car mechanic, a gardener, a hotel service worker, a carpenter and Pre-Vocational Special School for
students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities and with other impairments. We provide
students to develop and prepare to deal with different social roles, to live independently and lead an
active adult life. Students are trained, among others, in: preparing meals, sewing, cleaning work,
washing, gardening, computer use, and commercial art techniques.
We work individually with our students, dependently from the grade of their disability.
In school we have highly qualified stuff. Our students always have support of teachers and therapists
as well.
The school has a studio room with a catering service consumer, dwelling unit (Service); gardening
workshop with the area for growing and greenhouse; multimedia room to learn English; hairdressing
studio; a computer room, gym.
After regular lessons we offer additional lessons to develop interests and talents: sports activities
(gym, aerobics, swimming pool), theatre (auditorium with stage), arts, IT classes, choir, sightseeing
and tourism ; compensatory classes; specialty classes.
We organize carnival balls, tours, bonfires, cinema, theatre, meetings and social events. We also
organize a variety of classes and workshops for parents and guardians of our students. We work with
a variety of educational institutions outside the city of Bialystok, with the local community
associations working on behalf of people with disabilities.
The school also organizes a number of artistic events, sports, entertainment and various
competitions. We also have a dormitory.


Organizacja ta jest gotowa przyjąć wolontariuszy, których sytuacja osobista utrudnia im uczestnictwo w projektach. Do różnych rodzajów projektów mogą się zgłaszać osoby należące do kategorii wymienionych poniżej:

  • Różnice kulturowe
  • Przeszkody natury ekonomicznej
  • Przeszkody natury geograficznej
  • Deze organisatie heeft het kwaliteitskeurmerk van het Europees Solidariteitskorps gekregen. Dit keurmerk garandeert dat de organisatie in staat is projecten uit te voeren volgens de beginselen en doelstellingen van het Europees Solidariteitskorps.

Soort activiteit Vrijwilligerswerk

Rol Vervaldatum
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 943059900 OID: E10081641


Equality and non-discrimination


Skills development