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Accredited organisation

Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület- Debreceni Református Egyetemi Gyülekezet

Debreceni Ref. Egyetemi Gyülekezet

Kálvin tér 17. , 4026, Debrecen, Ungaria


Descrierea organizației

The University Congregation in Debrecen works with and serves university students.
Our church is part of the youth mission program of the Reformed Diocese called Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület specifically aimed to serve students at the local university, the University of Debrecen. After the years of communism with reclaiming the church building from the state, the congregation restarted its work on the main campus in 2007 and had been actively presenting there ever since. Throughout the years the congregation partnered up with fellow congregations from the Reformed Church of America and with their help, it grew into a multisite church, which means it is present in all the three campuses of the University of Debrecen. One congregation holds services in three separate places.
The church members are university students and they serve also in groups to organize events. The purpose of the church is to create opportunities for religious students to practice their faith during their study years away from home and for non-religious students to get to know Christianity.
In the center of the church life, there are contemporary worships with youth music and preachings on topics close to the everyday life of university students. Besides this, religious and non-religious programs are organized in the church, like Bible study groups, worship events, board game nights, quiz nights, bbq parties, semester opening camp. The pastors give university lectures related to religion.
The programs are always changing fitting to the university life and needs of the students.
The recent programs are: Chill nights, Zacc hétfő, Kilépő, Bible study.
Chill nights aims to transfer the Bible message in new ways, like readings, music or theatrical play. On these events university students play music or act in a play that was written by them too.
Zacc hétfő (coffee grounds Monday): a coffee house style two hours on Monday morning when we serve coffee and some delicious surprises for students attending our events and they are free to invite their friends too. Between two lectures they stop by, have some chat and get ready to go for the next lecture.
Kilépő is a closed group in which students in their last university year can talk about their challenges concerning starting their adult life. It's a place to share their experiences and get support from each other.
Bible study is a regular church program when we talk about a chosen Bible text. Its freshness is based on the topics that emerge in these talks concerning everyday questions of student life.
We have been accreditated as EVS/Erasmus+ hosting organization during the last 7 years. Now we are applying for the Quality Label as a hosting organisation.
The University Congregation works with 4 staff at the University Church, at 3 different locations. The main building is the church at Egyetem ter 2, but we are also active at Böszörményi Campus and Kassai Campus. The volunteer activity will take place at Egyetem tér 2, and occasionally at the two other campuses.

  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 947424900 OID: E10173493

Tematica organizației

Community development
