Volkshilfe Tirol

Volkshilfe Tirol

Volkshilfe Tirol

Brixentalerstraße 14, 6300, Wörgl, Austria

www.volkshilfe.net - +4350 890 9000

a szervezet leírása

“BETA” is one of the 10 institutions of the VOLKSHILFE Tyrol organization, which has existed for over 60 years, working in social affairs.The main task of BETA is qualifying young people between 15 and 24 years for work. Nearly all of these teenagers attended special schools and are delayed in their development compared to average teenagers.Skills which are taught include working with wood and metal, responsibilities of a caretaker, gardening and simple office duties. All these activities focus on the most realistic job situations, they even undertake practical training in various companies. All youngsters are employed at BETA for one year and get the possibility to mature and acquire qualifications for the job market. After this year they should be employed by the companies where they have done their practical training during the year. The youngsters are also trained in applying for a job.

Ez a szervezet az Európai Szolidaritási Testület minőségi védjegyével rendelkezik. A minőségi védjegy tanúsítja, hogy a szervezet képes olyan projekteket szervezni és megvalósítani, melyek összhangban vannak az Európai Szolidaritási Testület elveivel és célkitűzéseivel.

Alkalmazási kör Önkéntes munka

Szerep Akkreditáció lejárata
PIC: 948742257 OID: E10049136
Legutóbbi frissítés 21/05/24

Tevékenységi területek
