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Accredited organisation

Aagaard Efterskole

Aagaard Efterskole

Kirkebakken 13, 6040, Egtved, Danska - +45 7555 3133

Opis organizacije

Aagaard Efterskole is a self-governing boarding school (efterskole) offering formal secondary education for 9th-10th grade students. (app. 14-17 years of age).
"The Efterskole" is a unique schooling concept found only in Denmark. Broadly speaking, the Efterskole is a private boarding school with government grants that provide Secondary School education for young people, predominately between the ages of 14-17 years. As the school is privately run there is an annual fee for parents to send their child/children to the school, but families may apply for government funding depending on their financial status.
Each Efterskole chooses its own profile and an area on which it will focus its teaching in addition to the compulsory subjects. Aagaard Efterskole's profile is built upon Grundtvig/Kold social-cultural values, whose general principles are general education, co-existence and enlightenment for life, with emphasis on putting historical, political and cultural issues into context. Pupil's participation in the cultural debate is also seen as an important part of the individual’s personal development. The school specializes in gymnastics, academic skills and fellowship.
Aagaard Efterskole is known for its high educational standards and pedagogical practices, but also the proven ability to develop our students both socially and academically competencies. The majority of students continue in higher education.
The foundations of the community at the school are built upon openness, friendliness tolerance and shared responsibility. Participation in this unique mini-society aims to build relationships and create greater awareness and understanding of others. Furthermore, our study trips aim to create a better appreciation of other cultures and develop international co- operation and understanding.
Participation in this mini-society aims to build relationships as well as further awareness and understanding of others. Aagaard puts emphasis on quality education. Everybody should be able to acquire new skills and develop academically within a challenging learning environment.

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

Področje Prostovoljstvo

Vloga Velja do
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 928163901 OID: E10103311

Področja organizacije

European identity and values

Key competences development

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide