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Accredited organisation

Vaiku ir jaunimo klubas ,,Satrija''

Vaikų ir jaunimo klubas ,,Šatrija"

Kalvariju 156, LT-08207, Vilnius, Lituania - +37067390019

Descrierea organizației

''Satrija'' is a children and youth club located in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. It was established in 1991 and today has around 800 members. The club is a perfect space for young people from 4 to 29 years old. Its friendly and professional mentors as well as administrating team are always there to help young people to develop their artistic abilities, discover new and culturally enhancing projects (both national and international) and explore various means of self-expression. ''Satrija'' offers its members an opportunity to participate in various activities ranging from dance, music, art, theatre, to foreign languages, martial arts or yoga. Club's vision is a modern and effective institution of non-formal education designed for children, youth and families.

Tematici legate de incluziune

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Economic obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 947287839 OID: E10164477

Tematica organizației


Equality and non-discrimination
