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Accredited organisation



CALLE JUAN DE ALAMOS N 10 1 C , 47400, MEDINA DEL CAMPO, Spanien - +34654474999

Beskrivelse af organisationen

The DESES3 Association is a youth, cultural and social association based in Medina del Campo. In the
currently the entity has 55 - 70 partners.

The entity is based on a series of purposes, objectives and principles such as:
The main purpose of the entity is the promotion, training, social integration and entertainment of youth, among other purposes, without any lucrative interest.
The entity is based on the principles of solidarity, empathy, tolerance and respect.

Its objectives are:

• Participate in Development Cooperation and Awareness Programs with the Third and Fourth World.
• Develop Actions and Programs of Intervention and Social Integration for people in clear risk of exclusion, especially young people with fewer opportunities.
• Contribute to the comprehensive training of people, especially those who present the greatest difficulty (social, cultural, economic, physical, mental, of origin ...); collaborating with
be fully realized in their possibilities: physical, intellectual and social, as citizens and members of the Local and / or Autonomous Community.
• Organize and Disseminate Actions related to training and information on people's Health and Prevention of bad or toxic habits
• Inform, train and raise awareness about responsible and sustainable consumption in balance with respect and safeguarding the environment
• Develop and value non-formal education in free time.
• Promote actions, programs, projects and activities of integration and fight in favor of the incorporation of immigrants to our society.
• Develop proposals and actions for gender equality, offering positive support to Women, and promoting their incorporation and equal participation in society.

In the entity's target group and where most of its partners are, they are young people between 16 and 30 years old, with some members who can reach 42 years, with a rural profile in most cases, with lack of social, economic and geographical opportunities, clearly a student, not a worker, concerned about the problems of the
society and active participation that improves the population as a whole.

The entity's scope of action is mainly local and regional around the population of Medina del Campo, although in recent years, thanks to the constant increase in our different actions of lines based on projects, programs and activities of a youth-educational nature -social and cultural we have expanded our scope of action at the provincial, regional and even national level with young people from all over Spain.

To achieve this series of objectives and purposes we develop the following activities:

• Plans, Programs, Projects and Activities of a youth, social and inclusive nature.

In addition, we carry out the following programs coordinated by the Local and Regional Projects Area:

* ADD IS ADVANCE program. Local and citizen sphere. Information support and guidance on idle or underused resources, business projects for local economic promotion and innovative initiatives for the generation of employment at the local level,
* I AM TU program. Local scope and citizen - assistance to groups with fewer opportunities. Accompaniment of people with special educational needs and the elderly
* NO ABANDONMENTS Program Local and regional protection and environmental and animal conservation. Support in the care and cleaning of animals, support in collecting animal data and updating the database, reforestation campaigns and care of the flora in the area.
* DESESTRESA-T program. Local and regional scope of Leisure and Free Time, culture and sport. Support in the design, organization and development of OTL activities (sports championships, cultural meetings, workshops, routes and excursions)
• Free Time Activities: Activities in contact with Nature 2 times a month (outings and development of mountain routes, nature interpretation workshops, footprint tracing workshops, etc.), Summer camps during the months of July and August, Camping , Cultural and recreational excursions, Travel.
• Conferences, Work Sessions and Training Courses.
• Creation, design, planning and development of international cultural experiences based on the development of European exchanges and training courses.
• Management of Resources, Spaces and Projects.
• Promotion and development of participation experiences in local, regional, national and international volunteer projects and actions.
• Organization, management and development of youth, democratic and active participation processes through meetings, forums, activities and round tables.
• How many Activities are necessary and convenient for the development of the Associative Purposes.

  • Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
Støtte 31/12/2027

Ledende organisation

PIC: 948839160 OID: E10055176

Organisationens emner

Community development

Youth entrepreneurship

Youth policy development