W-I-R Schule- Bewegte Eltern Berlin e.V.

W-I-R Schule- Bewegte Eltern Berlin e.V.

W-I-R Schule- Bewegte Eltern Berlin e.V.

Grüne Trift 23d , 12557, Berlin, Germany

www.w-i-r-grundschule.de - +4930 44383232

deskrizzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni

In the green district of Köpenick, we have rooms and open spaces for living and learning. Reform pedagogical practice according to Maria Montessori and Célestin Freinet shapes our everyday life. The W-I-R Elementary School is a cooperation of Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH as the school's sponsor and the parents' association Bewegte Eltern Berlin e. V., which acts as the after-school care provider.

The school and after-school care center work according to a uniform concept and offer open all-day care. Our concept focuses on philosophy and communication based on reform pedagogy. The school will grow to a maximum of 120 children in the coming years.

The children learn in mixed-age groups in grades 1-3 and 4-6. Free work with Montessori materials and the open weekly schedule are central. Experiential learning in studios, workshops and in the countryside characterizes the school's daily routine. The adults at the school see themselves as learning guides. Individual learning feedback for children and parents is provided in regular development meetings. There are no school grades.A special feature of the W-I-R Elementary School is the educational partnership with parents. To support the school community and for many practical tasks (from celebrations to the website to building activities), we rely on active parent participation.

Din l-organizzazzjoni għandha Tikketta tal-Kwalità tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. It-Tikketta tal-Kwalità tiċċertifika li l-organizzazzjoni tista’ twettaq proġetti f’konformità mal-prinċipji u l-objettivi tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.

Ambitu Volontarjat

Rwol Data ta' skadenza
PIC: 945464433 OID: E10043848
L-aħħar aġġornament 21/05/24

Suġġetti tal-organizzazzjoni

Quality and innovation of youth work