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Accredited organisation


STR. PESCARILOR 28; BL. BM9B; AP. 14, 900538, CONSTANTA, Rumänien - +40722754835

Beskrivning av organisationen

Asociatia pentru Promovarea Egalitatii intre Tineri - ADAPTO is an NGO founded in 2007, promoting the equality between all young people, regardless of race, gender, income, image, abilities/disabilities or any other less opportunities. ADAPTO is one organization which works with young people, mainly young people with disabilities and less opportunities.
We are trying to promote, alongside the general youth participation, also the participation of disabled people in projects and activities developed under Erasmus+ program and European Solidarity Corps(ESC).
The objectives of our activities are:
- Promoting the equality between young people.
- Helping the social integration of young people with few opportunities, especially disabled people.
- Promoting tolerance and eliminating prejudices.
- Promoting cultural, ethnic and religious diversity.
- Promoting equality, freedom, democracy and civil life participation actions.
- Developing the creative, organizational and managerial skills of all youth regardless of their disabilities.
ADAPTO has organized and conducted, in partnership, international and national training courses and youth exchanges, on the subject of European citizenship, human rights and social integration. Our internal rule is to promote a participation rate of 10-50% disabled or disadvantaged young people in the projects that we organize in our community or in international projects.
Some of our main projects:
* ADAPTO created a Counseling center for employment and mentoring for young people;
* ADAPTO, in partnership with the National Association of the Deaf People Territorial Branch Constanta, organized the Phare Project "Employment and social integration of hearing impaired”;
* We have written and implemented four projects under Youth in Action program, action 1.1: 3.1: 4.3;
* Since 2013 we are accredited as HO/SO/CO for EVS, under Youth in Action/Erasmus+ program and we have developed projects as SO and HO.
* We are partners in the "BE IN" European campaign.
* Since 2010, our organization collaborates and supports the “UNITED for Intercultural Action - European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees”. Inside the campaign “European Action Week Against Racism campaign!” we organize our local campaign – “Zilele diversitatii” (Days of diversity), around the date of 25 march, every year. We carry out our activities in the local community, in universities and schools, together with other NGOs, local partners and local authorities, encouraging young people to combat hate speech, offline and online, highlighting the role that each member of the community has to play to stop the phenomenon of discrimination wherever it occurs.
* For our community we developed the project “A map of accessible places in Constanta city” project aimed to create a map of the existing accessibility in public institutions; cultural, religious, financial and educational places and tourist areas in Constanta city. The map is available both in electronic version and in printed version.
* ADAPTO was partner and co-organizer in the “Guidance handbook on a healthy interaction with people with disabilities” project and, through one of its members, is coauthor of the "Good Practice Guide for a healthy social relationship and interaction with people with disabilities". The guide is mainly used in school activities. We used this for various activities, but also, we have made it available to teachers and trainers interested on this topic.
* We have organized sessions of presenting the Erasmus + program, highlighting the EVS part, in high schools and universities, all based on partnerships and collaboration with these institutions, ("Volunteering in your Community"- local project).
The type of people we are targeting in our projects is:
- Youth with less opportunities: youth with special needs, from vulnerable groups, from rural areas, disabled persons
- Young students, students who don’t have sufficient knowledge about the opportunities “Erasmus+ program” has to offer
- Youths who have completed their studies, but have failed to integrate in the labor market
- Young people which have to take a decision about their future as a profession or career
The activities that we regularly carry on are:
- activities with young people with disabilities in daily centers - twice a week
- Erasmus+ program, presentation activities in schools, colleges and universities (campaigns and presentations)
- writing and implementing Erasmus+ projects on different types of action
- participation in Erasmus+ projects: youth exchanges, training courses, seminars, etc.
- teaching English for beginners - once a week
- creative, hand-made, workshops, etc. - once a week
- personal development workshops: public speaking, debate, etc. - once/twice a month
- activities carried out together with other NGO's

För alla?

Organisationen tar emot volontärer som av olika skäl har svårare att delta i olika aktiviteter. Det gäller följande kategorier och projekt:

  • Funktionsnedsättning
  • Ekonomiska hinder
  • Geografiska hinder
  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Hosting 31/12/2027
Stödjande 31/12/2027
PIC: 948654181 OID: E10043487

Organisationens inriktning

European identity and values

Human rights
