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Accredited organisation

Centrul Regional de Economie Sociala


Filip Lazar, Nr: 4, Bl: F5, Et: 4, Ap: 13, 200114, Craiova, România - +40767140887

Descrierea organizației

Regional Center for Social Economicy (CRES) is a non-governmental organization working in the South-West
Oltenia, with the main objective to promote community development and social economy at local and regional
The general goal of CRES is to promote a social economy concept centered on initiative, entrepreneurship, volunteering and partnerships, with local applications and regional networks in SW Romania, mostly developing and multiplying, from the individual level to the organizational level – towards the institutional and community level.
The CRES pursues a set of three structured priorities structured into three objectives:
Priority 1: Development, education and social empowerment
• Objective 1: Introducing non-formal mobility and non-formal education and guidance programs in relation to social economy needs
• Objective 2: Promoting intercultural learning in European citizenship and Identity
• Objective 3: Stimulating knowledge of social rights and opportunities, spirit of initiative and entrepreneurial exercise
Priority 2: Good governance of social initiatives
• Objective 1: Increasing the chances of social integration in the context of value pluralism through anti-radicalism, anti-violence, anti-discrimination and anti-extremism campaigns
• Objective 2: Developing programs and applications that stimulate the construction of Local Action Groups (LAGs) / local development and partner networks
• Objective 3: Promoting NGOs as key actors to actively participate in the development of the social economy
Priority 3: International Relations
• Objective 1: Promoting international thematic partnerships
• Objective 2: Developing skills for international cooperation
• Objective 3: Developing specific methodologies and exchange of good practices

CRES works to empower young people to participate actively in society to improve their own lives. The aim of this empowerment is to establish a wide-based community movement which encourages the positive involvement of young people in solving issues which affect them, treating them as resources, not as problems.
Vision: to provide positive development programmes opportunities for every young person in SW Oltenia Region
Mission: The mission of CRES is to offer non-formal educational programmes that provide opportunities for young people to develop
1 social connectedness;
2.a sense of personal efficacy and mastery motivation;
3.a desire to learn and curiosity about one’s world;
4.a sense of identity and meaning in one’s life;
5.positive self-regard and general mental health

Over the past 5 years the organisation has accumulated an extended portfolio of EVS project dealing is diverse thematics such as youth opportunities development, social inclusion, cultural awareness and tolerance, and active citizenship. So far, CRES has implemented 12 EVS project in which it has hosted over 100 volunteers.

Tematici legate de incluziune

Această organizație este dispusă să implice voluntari aflați în situații care le îngreunează participarea la activități, din următoarele categorii și pentru diverse tipuri de proiect:

  • Diferențe culturale
  • Dificultăți educaționale
  • Obstacole geografice
  • Această organizație deține eticheta de calitate a Corpului european de solidaritate. Eticheta de calitate certifică faptul că organizația poate desfășura proiecte în conformitate cu principiile și obiectivele Corpului european de solidaritate.

Domeniul Voluntariat

Rolul Data expirării
Hosting 31/12/2027
De sprijin 31/12/2027
PIC: 949144710 OID: E10074404

Tematica organizației


Educație fizică și sport
