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Accredited organisation



RUA FRANCISCO FERREIRA NEVES , 3800-510, AVEIRO ,, Portugal - +351962566628

Beskrivning av organisationen

AEVA ( was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organisation to meet the needs of local businesses in tackling skills mismatch by bringing education and the working world closer together.
Currently, the association employs 121 qualified professionals and operates within 13 brands:
● CITIZENS PROJECTS – the international department has already implemented more than 130 transnational projects under different EU programmes, promoting the development of innovation, students/staff mobility and active citizenship;
● QUALIFICATION CENTRE – it is a structure of the Portuguese Qualifications System targeting around 1000 adults (21+) per year, and aims to recognise, validate and certify their skills. It also provides guidance to NEETs and promotes a local network for boosting employability;
● CEO – unit for the inclusion of youngsters and adults with special needs, offering personal, educational and professional guidance and tailored solutions;
● SERVIR – a volunteer unit, currently with 21 volunteers, offering local qualified intervention and which through the European Volunteering Service promotes international opportunities of mobility;
● SPREAD.IT – development of innovative learning software and digital resources to support both educational providers and companies;
● VOUGA FABLAB – local incubator for business development and provision of vocational training with a strong technological component and RD&I. Currently it provides innovative services in the areas of rural and environmental tourism, gastronomy, heath, well-being and rehabilitation;
● CATEC – a technological camp and RD&I structure to support companies, employment, entrepreneurship and continuous education;
● QER – a qualification structure on events and catering, offering pedagogical kitchens, bar and restaurant labs, aiming at boosting social enterprising approaches;
● EUROPE DIRECT Information Centre of Aveiro – since 2012, aiming to provide European citizens with general information on the EU;
● CENTRAL CHANNEL – regional TV channel which produces and disseminates local programmes with focus on information, education, culture and society;
● TALENTS PARK – multi-functional space to promote various events and support initiatives from local community and stakeholders;
● CANAIS – services provider in the field of educational publications and tailored training solutions;
● EPA – founded in 1992, the Vocational School of Aveiro is the largest private VET school in Portugal with 45 permanent teachers.
AEVA-EPA ( has 3 units in Aveiro Region, located in urban and in industrial transition areas, and offers several IVET and CVET qualifications targeting per year around 800 learners (14–21 years old), most of them with fewer opportunities, migrant background and dropout history. The learning path is based on learner-centred approaches and principles of inclusive education. In addition, Psychological and Career Guidance services are provided by 12 professionals to all students, learners and educators.
Most of the VET programmes offered by AEVA-EPA are based on the national dual system with a strong component of apprenticeship and work-based learning aiming to meet the needs of the labour market and boost employability. Currently we are implementing 30 courses with a path between 2 and 3 years, on the following main vocational areas are:
Renewable Energies
Metallurgy, Metalworking and Industrial Maintenance
Electronics, Automation and Robotics
Hygiene, Health, Safety in the Workplace and Environment
Communication, Marketing & Public Relations
Early Childhood and Sociocultural Services
AEVA-EPA is certified by ISO 9001 (Quality), SA 8000 (Social Responsibility) and EQAVET Compliance Seal of the Quality Assurance System in Education and Professional Training (2020). In addition, it is an Eco-School recognised by the European Blue Flag Association (ABAE), has also the Intercultural School Seal distinguished by the Ministry of Education and Science Education and the High Commission for Migration, and received the Good Practices Seal of Health Psychology and Educational Success from the Portuguese Order of Psychologists. AEVA & AEVA-EPA were distinguished with the 1st place of the 2017 Award “Excellence at the workplace”, as result of a national study on organisational climate and human capital development.
We also run several projects in the areas of environment, active citizenship, youth employability, intergenerational learning, human rights, etc. On the other hand, being aware of the importance of promoting an entrepreneurial spirit among youngsters, AEVA has been encouraging the development of competences such as autonomy, creativity or responsibility and the improvement of other soft skills which are essential to succeed in the working life: adaptability, assertiveness, problem-solving, communication skills, intercultural skills, knowledge management, planning, organization, resilience, etc.

  • Den här organisationen har fått Europeiska solidaritetskårens kvalitetsmärkning, som intygar att organisationens projekt är i linje med kårens mål och principer.

Typ av verksamhet Volontärverksamhet

Roll T.o.m.
Hosting 31/12/2027
Stödjande 31/12/2027

Ansvarig organisation

PIC: 947864116 OID: E10201599