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Accredited organisation

Tallinna laste turvakeskus

Nõmme tee 99, 11317, Tallinn, Igaunija - +3726608062

Organizācijas apraksts:

Tallinn Shelter for Children at Risk is an safe-house for children from 3 y.o. to 18 y.o. Children live in the shelter from couple of days to several months depending on the case. Maximum 14 children live in the shelter at the same time. We provide service to more than 100 children a year. We provide psychological counseling, study aid, possibility to attend in different youth groups for the children at risk. Children that we work with have difficult family background who doesn't have a normal family network and the same possibilities as regular children.

  • Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

Joma Brīvprātīgais darbs

Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 943800204 OID: E10137625

Organizācijas temati

Social assistance and welfare