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Accredited organisation

Asociatia de Tineret Raise your Voice

Asociatia de Tineret Raise your Voice

Linia 410, 240101, Ramnicu Valcea, Romanya - +40758989926

Kuruluşun tanımı

At the level of ATRV organization there is involvement regarding the European projects funded through the Erasmus + Program. During 2010-2012, ATRV, was a partner in a Leonardo da Vinci project-Transfer of Innovation "Special Needs Accreditation for Europe" UK / 10 / LLP-LdV / TOI / 309. In this project, more than 1200 pupils with special needs from special schools from Craiova, Bucharest and Ramnicu Valcea have benefited from IT courses.
In 2011, the project "Ideas on the Move" was implemented (see:, a project funded by the "Europe for Citizens" Program, which promoted entrepreneurship among young people. Within the “Youth in Action Program”, ATRV was a partner with a Spanish association in the participatory democracy project "Con-Ciudadinos" and it was the coordinator for another participatory democracy project "Our community, your community", a project that was implemented together with five other youth organizations from Turkey, Denmark, Spain, Italy and Poland. Since 2014, ATRV has been involved in the implementation of volunteering projects in order to support the Roma communities from Valcea County.
Between 01.02.2014 and 01.02.2015, the first volunteering project “Creative youth entrepreneurship in Roma communities” ( was funded by the Executive Agency through the “Youth in Action” Program, Action 2. Between 2015-2016 it was another EVS project, financed by the Executive Agency: “Youth in support of the Roma community”.
Between 10.09.2017-09.09.2018, ATRV implemented a new volunteering project "Challenges of Intercultural Education in Roma Communities." ATRV is currently implementing a new EVS project "Breaking the Circle of Roma Inclusion".
ATRV has experience in volunteering activities at the level of Roma communities from Valcea County. In partnership with the “ProEuropa”- Roma organization (the branch from Valcea) and the Educational inspectorate from Valcea County, there were organized summer schools for pupils from Roma communities and there were organized seminars of the Roma pupils’ parents. Before winter and Easter holidays, fundraising campaigns were organized and, because of this, gifts and food were offered to the poor Roma communities from Valcea County.
The ATRV inclusion activities of young people and pupils from Roma communities leads us to participate in the European Solidarity Corps.
Through volunteering activities that we have implemented, we have promoted solidarity as a human value and we have given to young participants from our projects the possibility to be involved in quality solidarity activities. We have permanently contributed to the strengthening of the European cohesion, solidarity, democracy and citizenship while responding to the social inclusion challenges.
Through ATRV’s participation in the European Solidarity Corps, we can promote cooperation between youth organizations, promoting social inclusion, but also implementing quality solidarity activities.
ATRV's motivation to participate in the European Solidarity Corps is linked to ATRV's activities to promote social inclusion among young people and parents from Roma communities.
We want to offer to the young people with reduced opportunities, to young people in Europe and young people from local communities, the possibility to be involved in quality solidarity activities, activities that will improve the social and civic competences of the participants, activities that will lead participants to a positive attitude towards voluntary involvement and to support the disadvantaged communities.
Through its involvement in the European Solidarity Corps, ATRV wants to share the experience that was gained through its inclusion projects with other youth organizations across Europe and also to contribute to the development of new specific tools in order to work with young people from disadvantaged communities.
ATRV objectives:
-promoting the youth policies in Romania and the integration policies of the Rroma minority, financial support and support for specific youth activities, cultural, social and training activities and promotion of the Rroma activities.
- training for youth, young people with fewer opportunities, ethnic minorities, unemployed people- foreign languages courses for young people, unemployed people, elderly, ethnic minorities- international youth exchanges- realization and implementation of social programs
- realization and implementation of programs in the cultural and civic field- promoting and implementing voluntary activities in the local community
- rural development and access to non formal education for the young people from rural area
- training sessions in institutions abroad- promoting transnational mobilities
- organizing summer camps- organizing conferences, seminars and exhibitions- development of partnerships in the field of youth, art and culture

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Sona erme tarihi
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 947187638 OID: E10157780