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Accredited organisation

Together Pan European network organisation asbl

Together France

1, rue du Coetlosquet , 57000, Metz, Frankrig - +33668152827

Beskrivelse af organisationen

"Together” is a pan-European network of youth organisations, and it includes independent youth organisations in all over EU, as well as 2 members from the South East Europe – Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro, we are creating actually a partnership in Belarus. Moreover, we have a large network of partners all over the world.

The organization is built around a philosophy, The EU offers tools and resources for international cooperation in different fields and puts its priority on developing active and participative civil society and cross European sustainable partnerships. Together believes in such principles and moreover it believes that by supporting people in making their own free conclusions related to world affairs, by allowing people to stand behind their believes and values does not have to mean rejecting the values of others. Using the opportunities for international mobility, we wish to strengthen the appreciation of diversities in the large Europe concept and we try to support people in discovering other cultures and lifestyles and thus enriching their personal and professional developments. To follow these ideas we cooperate with many partners that share the same or similar thinking, who are active in the field of youth work and/or civil society development. We are open to new partnerships and thereby we wish to facilitate continuous exchange of experience, knowledge and development of projects for variety of targets on local, national and international level. Although the target groups of our projects vary, our focus is put on projects targeting young people, considering their role as builders of the future societies.

Whatever project we do, is based on active participation of its target group from developing the idea up to the realization and evaluation of the projects. We believe equal partnership and projects ownership by its participants determines the success of the projects and its potential follow-up activities.

Working with people of different cultures and age groups is a motivating and exciting experience thanks to which one is able to shape personal view and life attitudes. Information and experience exchanges between professionals from youth work and the civil society development areas represent an extra-ordinary richness for each everyone involved, as well for the association or group s/he is representing.

We wish to use our experience gained throughout numerous international programs and work experience in alike organizations and want to create an open forum, facilitating international meetings on different topics, bringing together different targets, and thereby, supporting networking among people and organizations with similar interests.

The target group of Together is in general civic society and specifically young people, being the generation that is "to make a difference". We believe deeply that active participation of young people can empower them, their friends and the society around them.

We focus a lot on inclusion in our work and we mainly try to support young people with fewer opportunities, coming from all kind of various difficult backgrounds (social, educational, cultural, geographical, etc.). We deeply believe that especially this type of young people can benefit the most from such programs as “Erasmus+”.


Denne organisation tager også imod frivillige, som af forskellige grunde har sværere ved at deltage i aktiviteter end andre. Det omfatter følgende kategorier for forskellige typer projekter:

  • Økonomiske hindringer
  • Uddannelsesmæssige vanskeligheder
  • Geografiske hindringer
  • Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
Støtte 31/12/2027
PIC: 948302071 OID: E10019979

Organisationens emner

Borgerskab og deltagelse i demokratiet

European identity and values

