Legambiente Prato

Legambiente Prato

Legambiente Prato APS

Via Mino da Fiesole 28, 59100, Prato, Italy

www.legambienteprato.it - +39 3334760857

deskrizzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni

Legambiente is one of the most important environmental organization in Italy. It was born in 1980 thanks to the first experience of ecological informal that were raised in the middle 70'. With its 115.000 members, +1000 local organizations, +30.000 young students involved in environmental education activities. Legambiente is spread all over Italy. Think Globally, Act Locally: we try to make people understand that it is by making local changes that we can create a better environment for everyone on a global scale. Scientific Environmentalism: every initiative to defence the environment is carried according to scientific data. Every time we say 'no' to something that may be environmentally hazardous, we suggest concrete alternative. Legambiente Prato, local group was born in the middle 80'. Since then it has outreached many goals. Promotion of healthy life styles, Environmental education, local and international volunteerism, Substainable development especially connected to the improvement of eco-touristic routes in local green areas are important tasks constantly carried out by our organization

Volunteering project

Isem il-proġett Project Dates Data tal-għeluq Status
A climate for Youngsters
A total of 51 week(s) during the period
Set 2016 to Set 2017
10/09/2016 - 15/09/2017
20/09/2016 closed
Be Globally Local: Erasmus+ inside our land
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
Jan 2017 to Jan 2018
05/01/2017 - 04/01/2018
22/12/2016 closed
Environmental Awareness for Youngsters
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
Fra 2018 to Mar 2019
28/02/2018 - 30/03/2019
30/08/2017 closed
Sustainability Quest Re:Boot
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
Set 2018 to Nov 2018
17/09/2018 - 14/11/2018
10/07/2018 closed
GREEN FINGERS – Oasis For Children
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
Apr 2019 to Ġun 2019
24/04/2019 - 21/06/2019
11/02/2019 closed

Din l-organizzazzjoni għandha Tikketta tal-Kwalità tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. It-Tikketta tal-Kwalità tiċċertifika li l-organizzazzjoni tista’ twettaq proġetti f’konformità mal-prinċipji u l-objettivi tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.

Ambitu Volontarjat

Rwol Data ta' skadenza
PIC: 945397115 OID: E10039179
L-aħħar aġġornament 30/04/24

Suġġetti tal-organizzazzjoni

Green skills

Tagħlim intraprenditorjali - l-edukazzjoni intraprenditorjali

Community development