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Accredited organisation

JUMP - Gioventù in riSalto

JUMP - Gioventù in riSalto

Via San Nicola 15, 88068, Soverato (CZ), İtalya - +393477125632

Kuruluşun tanımı

JUMP Gioventù in riSalto is a cultural association that was born on 31/10/2012 by the will of 3 young people who had been living, studying, and working abroad but then decided to come back to the homeland which is the Calabria region, precisely in Soverato, a small city on the Ionian Coast. The area is known as one of the most disadvantaged and poorest of Italy and maybe of Europe due to the highest unemployment rate (19%) especially youth unemployment and it is characterized by unfair stereotypes related to mafia and corruption. JUMP has been created with the mission to develop cultural development, internationalization through European projects in this context which suffers from the huge phenomenon of "depopulation". Young people have grown with the idea that their future can't be in the region and they have to go away to find new opportunities. JUMP wants to be the "jump" to a new vision of what is possible thanks to being part of the EU. The words "Gioventù in riSalto" have a special meaning: they refer to the importance of the youth spirit which lives inside us all life. JUMP's name is a play on words addressed to everyone. JUMP grew a lot in the last years thanks to a team of competent trainers and project designers. After the first very local projects in 2012 and 2013, the association became known at a local, regional, national, and international level along the years, thanks to a more structured and permanent work in different areas:
- volunteering and support to grassroots local organizations (contact making, invitation to join EU projects, information on EU opportunities and mobility projects for adults and youths
- organization of a Festival (in 2019 at its 5th edition) dedicated to the Europe Day (9th May) the EURO.SOUL FESTIVAL
- organization of teachers training and trainings for educators in English language involving trainers speaking different languages
- project design and management, for us or in partnership with other institutions of the world, sometimes as coordinators, sometimes with specific roles in the project implementation
- research on educational methods and new approaches to education
- communication and social media promotion, through web-design (all our websites and projects website are designed by us internally)
- video making and photo reportage
- support to local schools to access Erasmus projects
JUMP involves actually 3 permanent workers, part-time and full time employed and around 15 persons working as externals for specific projects or as freelance trainers. On our website there's a page dedicated to the JUMP Team.
In the last 5 years, JUMP realized more than 128 training programs hosting more than 520 among teachers, school directors, and educators. On a few occasions, we also hosted university and secondary school students for longer periods (3 weeks and 2 months). The team is continuously studying and researching trends in education and proposes intercultural exchanges and training programs using Non Formal Education as the basic method for inclusion and local development. JUMP is still the only organization of the area resisting in proposing European opportunities and spreading European Citizenship at local level.
Main topics in which we develop EU projects are:
- creation of opportunities for youths to get a job, to train at the international level, improve their language skills, open their minds finding a reason to remain in Calabria (SO-VET K202 Erasmus project on Social Entrepreneurship as an alternative for young unemployed and M.O.T.H.E.R., the new K205 project approved in October 2020 to match precarious youth workers and mentor them to find their way in the EU Global job market)
- development of environmental good practices and policies through educational activities for students, children, teachers, and youths in general (Erasmus K205 GREEN FINGERS project on organic farming and GREEN-ABILITY which has been a long term training process for youth workers on ecology and recycling objects
- social competences development through gaming thanks to the project "GAMING AS SOCIAL SKILLS LEARNING TOOL" fighting addiction to gaming and facilitating inclusion practices for disadvantaged youths
- creation of culture and valorization of the cultural heritage of Calabria and of Europe thanks to the 2 projects, "CULTURAL STUDIES IN BUSINESS" (CSB) in the field of HEI as co-leader with La Sapienza University of Rome with other 5 universities of the EU and outside the EU and "Let's Teach Europe! European Heritage as a pedagogical and integration tool in adult education"
- sustainable development/social responsibility and social entrepreneurship through a new K205 project titled "Circular Economy Young Leaders".
Thanks to the SO-VET project, the team opened a company to employ young people, a spin off of JUMP called C.T.E. CENTRO TERRITORIALE EUROPEO or, in English, Closer To Europe.

Dahil etme konuları

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Disability
  • Geographical obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Sona erme tarihi
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 937306636 OID: E10040387

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