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Accredited organisation



CALLE MIRLO 36 1B , 18014, GRANADA, Espanja - +34691884152

Järjestön kuvaus

Las Niñas del Tul is a non-profit cultural association that has been carrying out activities in the province of Granada for more than 20 years. We are an organization with extensive experience in youth work that focuses on the methodology of non-formal education to offer, primarily, opportunities at the individual level for personal development through experimentation and learning outside the comfort zone and at the same time, to provide the entities with which we work and collaborate with the necessary information to exploit the resources available to them. We do all this from our base in Granada and thanks to the team of professionals and volunteers that we have. That is why our main objective is to develop and carry out cultural activities with the ultimate aim of promoting human rights and always taking into consideration the values ​​that define us: respect, empathy, diversity, inclusion, tolerance, equality, environmental awareness and protection. of the historical-artistic heritage

Our main activities and areas of action can be divided into various blocks:

1. Support and accompaniment for young people and entities:
1.1) We actively work with young people in the province to promote associationism. Our team offers information, supervision and support for the creation of associations and informal groups, promoting the active participation of young people in their local community.
1.2) We offer information and support to entities with little experience for the creation of projects framed in various calls, thus favoring the creation of activities in localities and strengthening relationships between entities and citizens.

2. Youth information:
2.1) As a Eurodesk point, we offer information on the different European education, youth, culture and training programs in order to promote active participation, individual empowerment and European identity.
2.2) We provide information on local and provincial opportunities for youth and workers.

3. Activities framed in European programs:
3.1) Erasmus +
3.1.1) We host and develop a multitude of activities framed within the Erasmus + youth program: Key Actions 1, 2 and 3 (2014-2020 program). The main topics we work with are: inclusion, equality, youth information, historical heritage, theater and youth participation among many others.
3.1.2) We send more than 150 young people a year to projects in which Las Niñas del Tul is an official partner to promote youth empowerment and offer opportunities to all people who want to develop in this field.
3.2) European Solidarity Corps:
3.2.1) We host volunteers in our NGO in order to receive support to carry out different local and international activities and at the same time, to offer international and national opportunities for personal development and growth to people who do volunteer activities with us, offering them a multicultural, safe environment with a multitude of options to develop their personal projects.
3.2.2) We are a sending NGO of more than 100 volunteers annually. We manage with the selection of our entity in volunteer projects as a sending entity, the selection processes, the preparation at a personal and attitudinal level of the selected people and also, we monitor the project, always having as a priority the welfare and safety of the people during all phases of their volunteer projects.
3.2.3) We actively work in our local community and exceptionally support solidarity projects as a tool for community development.
3.3) Europe for the citizens. In 2021 we started working on a project on hate speech, racism and xenophobia.

4) Local activities:
4.1) Awareness-raising and revitalization activities with children and youth in the metropolitan area of ​​Granada with local actions and projects to work for real equity and equality, with special emphasis on population at risk of social exclusion, immigration, migration, cultural diversity and attention to youth groups in exceptional circumstances (unaccompanied minors and collaboration with specialized entities), as well as with young people in detention at liberty.
4.2) Support for local cultural activities to work on European awareness.

Our target groups are:
1. Young people between 13 and 30 years old from all contexts offering special attention to the profiles we mencioned.
2. Youth workers.
3. Public administrations.
4. NGO's and/or informal groups.

  • Tällä organisaatiolla on Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen laatumerkki. Laatumerkki varmistaa, että organisaatio kykenee järjestämään Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen periaatteiden ja tavoitteiden mukaisia hankkeita.

Toiminnan muoto vapaaehtoistyö

Rooli Voimassaolo päättyy
Hosting 31/12/2027
Tukiorganisaatio 31/12/2027


PIC: 948223404 OID: E10014644

Järjestön toimialat

European identity and values


Youth entrepreneurship