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Accredited organisation



Calle Campos Góticos, nº 3 - Bajo , 24005, León, Spānija - +34987209764

Organizācijas apraksts:

Auryn Association was founded in November 2001 with the aim of creating spaces, possibilities and alternatives for leisure and educational free time for children, adolescents, young people and elderly people in the city of León.

We work with our own identity and educational style in the fields of prevention, promotion of entrepreneurial attitude, youth animation and socio-cultural development. Human rights, intercultural development and environmental education are always present in our programs.

The association has a team of 4 contracted staff and a wide group of volunteers who develop each program according to the needs of our target groups: children, adolescents and young people, with special attention to those at risk of social exclusion and their families.

Our mission is to carry out an intervention of community development and socio-educational intervention, offering a qualified service of prevention and education in leisure time and socio-cultural animation from an own educational style and that bets for the interculturality, sustainability, equal opportunities and networking with local and international entities, especially at European level.


- To be an association of reference for the neighbourhood, aspiring to social transformation through socio-educational action and critical and creative analysis of reality.
- To maintain a balanced development that allows for the incorporation of new members and volunteers, more workers and participants, and to obtain more support from the public administration and the social environment.
- Involvement. Willingness to actively intervene in the emerging educational and social needs of the population in a situation of social exclusion.
- Interculturality. Knowledge, respect and acceptance of cultural plurality; as well as the capacity to incorporate all people with all their differential characteristics in socio-educational processes.
- Participation. Equal intervention of all those involved in the reflection, decision making and actions in the different areas.


- Integral education of the person starting from their own reality and attending to all their areas of development: health, personal - relational, spiritual, training - work, leisure and free time and social participation.
- Solidarity. Knowledge of the social reality and involvement in transformation through commitment, analysis of reality and action. reality and action.
- Social and gender equality and commitment to Human Rights. Fight against all types of inequalities from the perspective of social justice perspective.
- Environment: creating ecological awareness and ethics.

The programmes that Auryn Association is currently developing are:

"CREATING FUTURE" PROGRAMME: comprehensive educational programme for children and adolescents between 3 and 16 years of age, which offers a qualified service of prevention, education, participation and promotion to cover the areas of personal, academic and social development. It also offers support to parents with information and training on different topics that favour the optimal development of their children and their involvement in the activities carried out.
- Alalá Project: school support
- Project We Want to Play: play activities
- Our Future is in Our Hands Project: urban summer camp on environmental and intercultural education.
- Project Escuela de Familias: activities by and for parents.
DO WHAT YOU WANT" PROGRAMME: a programme aimed at young people from 14 years of age that aims to establish the necessary means and channels to encourage active participation.
- Project Fantasia: activities to promote creativity and artistic expression.
- Volunteering Project: training and accompaniment of volunteers from the association.
- Educational support for young people from 16 years of age
- Language workshops
NEIGHBOURHOOD PROGRAMME: socio-cultural activities aimed at the neighbourhood (Magosto, Christmas, Carnival, Cultural Week...).
AURYN EUROPE PROGRAMME: Development of European projects (European volunteering, training actions, exchanges, networking, strategic partnerships, strategic partnerships, etc.), networking, strategic partnerships, Council of Europe,...).

  • Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

Joma Brīvprātīgais darbs

Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
Atbalsta 31/12/2027

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PIC: 944484054 OID: E10184435

Organizācijas temati

Community development

European identity and values
