Hestabakkvegen 1, 5701, Voss, Norway


beskrivelse af organisationen

KFUK-KFUM Voss is a branch of the international YMCA/YWCA-movement and of the YWCA-YMCA of Norway. As YMCAs and YWCAs across the globe we aim to empower young people and to serve the community.

We own and run the house “Vonheim” [“Home of hope”] in village of Voss in the western part of Norway and provide relevant programmes and open communities for locals at all ages: from the babies and their parents in the Open Kindergarten to the families in Superonsdag and teenagers in Refleks Ten Sing, and for the families associated to the organisation.

The association is run by a elected board, who has employed an executive manager in a full time position. In addition, we run Vonheim Open Barnehage [kindergarten], with three employees. Our most important resource is the eager group of youngsters and adults who by volunteering fills the house with safe, “low threshold”-activities for children and youth, and who contributes to running the house itself.

Our main focus is to provide good, safe and creative programmes for children and youth. I. e. we run the youth group Refleks Ten Sing, where about 70 youth sing, dance, play drama, play in the band, arrange concerts, camps and trips, and are being trained as leaders. In the family programme Superonsdag we host dinner and family-building activities. Three days a week we run Vonheim Open Kindergarden, which serves as a meeting place for both small children and their parents.

Denne organisation har fået tildelt Det Europæiske Solidaritetskorps' kvalitetsmærke. Kvalitetsmærket certificerer, at organisationen i stand til at forvalte projekter i overensstemmelse med det europæiske solidaritetskorps mål og principper.

Område Frivilligt arbejde

Rolle Udløbsdato
PIC: 943053110 OID: E10081113
Senest opdateret den 21/05/24

Organisationens emner

Ungdom (deltagelse, ungdomsarbejde og ungdomspolitik)

Kreativitet og kultur

Etik, religion, filosofi (herunder interreligiøs dialog)