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Accredited organisation



PLACA DE BAIX , 03202, ELCHE, Španija - +34966658030

Opis organizacije

Elche City Council is a local government entity with the aim of caring for and protecting the interests of the citizens of Elche.
This management entity is directed by a municipal corporation elected by the citizens. The Youth Council specifically is responsible for looking after the young people of our city and offering a wide range of activities related to young people and European citizenship through non-formal and informal education programs such as Erasmus + and the European Corps of Solidarity among others.
Our target audience is young people between 13 and 35 years old, whom we guide and inform about the possibilities that the European Union offers for their personal and professional development.
Our entity also cooperates with 2 other departments of the Elche City Council, such as education and social welfare, where we will work on the inclusion and digitization of elderly and disabled people. In all these projects the priorities of the European Union are present in a transversal way.
More than 20 years guarantee our experience with European programs which we consider essential in the learning process of young people.
Our objectives are: accompany young people in their process of emancipation and learning, encourage the participation solidarity and inclusion of young and adult people, develop leisure and free time programs, to learn new technologies and European citizenship and we are convinced that the ESC program help us in its achievement.
This program works the field of Youth Policies and European Awareness, activities are developed to young people while promoting active citizenship and the importance of a more united Europe, based on the mentioned interaction.
European volunteers collaborate with the development of the planned activities but never replace a worker.

  • Ta organizacija ima znak kakovosti evropske solidarnostne enote. Znak kakovosti potrjuje, da organizacija upravlja projekte v skladu z načeli in cilji evropske solidarnostne enote.

Področje Prostovoljstvo

Vloga Velja do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Podporna organizacija 31/12/2027

Vodilna organizacija

PIC: 951341566 OID: E10128095

Področja organizacije

European identity and values


Digital youth work