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Accredited organisation



CALLE VALDEHUESA 16, 45007, TOLEDO, İspanya - +34692185584

Kuruluşun tanımı

LLERE is a non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 1994. - Mission: To contribute to the disappearance of attitudes of discrimination, intolerance, racism, oppression and persecution of some human groups over others, on the basis of racial discrimination, cultural, sexual, economic, religious or ideological policies. - Goals: - Carry out actions aimed at the social development of the community and the social promotion of citizenship. - Design, plan, execute and evaluate educational and social projects. - Develop mediation actions with institutions, associations and other public and private entities that allow the creation of networks of cultural, social and educational services. - Study and investigate aspects of educational and social development of the Spanish reality. - Carry out social and educational programs that deal with interculturality, multiculturalism and transculturalism. - Carry out actions for the promotion and development of groups at risk of exclusion. - Provide the provision of social and educational services, public and private, by carrying out educational, cultural and social actions of a similar nature. - International experience: Llere has a long experience in the implementation of transnational actions within the framework of the EU and throughout the world (Africa, South America, etc) - Affiliations and networks: The organization participates actively in several networks: - National Coordinator of the National Platform of ENAR (European Network against Racism) - Associated with the European Network for the Fight against Poverty (EAPN) - Teachers with gypsies. - Anna Lindh Foundation.


La Asociación Llere es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como finalidad última Contribuir a la desaparición de actitudes de discriminación, intolerancia, racismo y de opresión y persecución de unos grupos humanos sobre otros, basándose en políticas de discriminación racial, cultural, sexual, económica, religiosa, ideológica, ética,…
La entidad se crea a partir de un grupo de profesionales profesores y educadores que comienzan a trabajar apoyando a familias en los asentamientos chabolistas en la ciudad de Toledo, a partir de este trabajo se genera la Asociación y desde entonces se vienen desarrollando multitud de proyectos sociales y educativos con personas y grupos en riesgo de exclusión social.
Fomentar la tolerancia y la conviviencia entre los distintos pueblos , etnias , culturas, así como desarrollar acciones positvias de cooperacion al desarrollo.
Senisibilizar a los ciudadanos respecto a los problemas de pobreza en los países en vías de desarrollo que fomente una conciencia social y propicie una respuesta solidaria ante los mismos.
Fomentar la formacion contínua de los profesionales para mejorar las intervenciones en su ámbito de actuación.
Ofrecer la prestación de servicios sociales y educativos, públicos o privados, mediante la realización de actividades educativas, culturales y otras de naturaleza social.
Desarrollar acciones mediadoras con las instituciones, asociaciones y demás entidades de carácter público y privado que permitan la creación de redes entre servicios culturales, sociales y educativos.
Favorecer la formación a lo largo de la vida mejorando la capacitación profesional y desarrollo personal de las personas mejorando la empleabilidad de las personas , especialmente de los que tienen mayores dificultades de inserción laboral.
Acciones sociales y educativas dirigidas al desarrollo personal y la integracion social de personas en riesgo de exclusion social a través de la orientación, seguimimiento,acompañamiento, formacion y evaluación en las diferentes areas de intervención de la entidad educación, inserccion laboral, cooperacion internacional y educacion para el desarrollo y participación ciudadana y voluntariado.
ORGANIGRAMA: Asambela general-Junta directiva-Socios- Equipo social y educativo
Descripción funcional del equipo social y educativo:
1 Dirección de programas recursos financieros, comunicación y formación.
2 Coordinadores de Departamento
10Técnicos de Proyecto

Pueblo gitano y familias en riesgo de exclusion social, especialmente menores y mujer.

The Llere Association is a non profit organization that aims latest contribute to the disappearance of attitudes of discrimination, intolerance, racism and oppression and persecution of some human groups over others, based on policies of racial, cultural, sexual discrimination, economic, religious, ideological, ethical, ...
The entity is created from a group of teachers and professional educators who start working to support families in slums in the city of Toledo, from this work the Association is generated and since then have developed a multitude of social projects and education with individuals and groups at risk of social exclusion.
  Promote tolerance and conviviality among different peoples, races, cultures, and develop positvias development cooperation actions.
  Senisibilizar citizens about the problems of poverty in developing countries to promote social awareness and fosters a supportive response to them.
  Encourage continuous training of professionals to improve interventions in its scope.
  Offer the provision of social and educational, public or private services through the implementation of educational, cultural and other activities of social nature.
  Develop mediation actions with institutions, associations and other entities of public and private that allow networking between cultural, social and educational services.
  Promote training throughout life improving professional training and personal development of people improving the employability of people, especially those who teinen greater difficulties in finding employment.
  social and educational activities aimed at personal development and social integration of people at risk of social exclusion through orientation, seguimimiento, support, training and evaluation in different areas of intervention of education, labor insercción, international cooperation and education entity development and citizen participation and volunteerism.
ORGANIZATION: Asambela General-Board-Partners- social and educational equipment
Functional description of the social and educational team:
1 Direction of financial resources programs, communication and training.
2 Department Coordinators
Project 10Técnicos

Gypsy people and families at risk, especially lower

Dahil etme konuları

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Sona erme tarihi
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 952974658 OID: E10139859